Chapter 8: The Marriage

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Ah weddings beautiful ceremonies to join those in love together. I believe I did a great job setting everything up, The wedding was being held in the castles' court yard And I had made sure everything was set up. For the wedding colors, we have Royal blue, Rose red, and Jet Black for the me and the guys. Then we have Sky blue, Lotus pink, and Astral White for my bride and the girls. As for flowers, Moon Lilies and Lotuses.
We held the wedding at night so the lilies would be in bloom. (Other wedding stuff etc take forever to list every thing.) Finally I had three personal songs planned for the wedding dance they were, Irresistible by Imagine Dragons, Fireflies by Owl City, and Immortals by Henry Jackman. (The rest of the songs are just songs I like) It was now time as I stood ready at the altar I watched as Kate was walked up by her father both of them smiling. (Now because I'm a king I'm allowed to do the job the priest does plus I'm also the priest of my kingdoms' church so double cause.) I waited to start speaking because I waited to allow the mothers to stop their happy wedding tears. After they stopped I began the vows, "Dearly beloved We're brought here today to share this great day, the day of the loving matrimony between myself and Katherine Marsh now let us begin do you Kate Marsh take me to be your lawfully wedded husband till love's end?"
"I do and do you Saint Eden take me to be your lawfully wedded wife till love's end?"
"I do so now with the power invested in me by the church of the Creator's Gospel I prounce us man and wife now may I kiss my beautiful bride?"
"You may." Now with the wedding kiss complete, we were wedded. It was now time for the joining ritual I then said, "before we have the party there's one more thing I've to ask all of you."
I then snapped my fingers and a large chalice filled with my blood appeared on a table. I turned to Kate and said, "Now my love if you truly want to be with me until love's end I must ask you to take a drink from this chalice."
"What's inside of it?"
"My immortal blood you see if we're to be together till love's end you'll have to join me in the life of an immortal."
"The whole Chalice?"
"No just a good drink from it, you see the reason it's so big is because I offer this gift to my new family be warned though once you part take of this gift you will live the life of an immortal you'll have to experience the deaths of non immortal friends and loved ones that don't wish to partake of this gift."
"I'll do it my love I wish to spend eternity with you." She then took the chalice and drank a good mouthful.
"How do you feel?"
"Amazing I feel amazing."
"Good now what about the rest of you?" They all rised their hands and said, "Family Forever."
"A great thing to hear, line up and each of you will drink a mouthful like Kate did her parents shall go first." One by one they came fourth and took a drink from the chalice with it now empty and every one now filled with my blood I said, "Now let the party begin." (Skip passed party to taking Kate back to the school and my dorm house.) As I was carrying a tipsy bride, she said as she gave me a kiss, "That was a beautiful wedding I love you Saint."

As I kissed her back, "I love you too Kate."
"Are you going to give me my special gift?"
"Let's get to the room first."
"Saint please be gentle ok?"
"Of course my love." (After giving Kate her first time.) I said, "You should know something Kate something that my species can do that other species can't, you can decide if our special time gave your belly a gift or not."
"Really I can choose?"
"Yes you can also choose how many gifts you want and what kind of gift they're."
"Twins a boy and girl."
"A beautiful choice any name ideas or do you want me to name them?"
"You name them."
"Harry and Delilah."
"Beautiful names."
"I'm glad you like them now how about we get some rest then in the morning I can use my magic to bring them straight out of you instead of making you go through child birth."
"Best offer ever and I accept." We laid down and after I put the blankets over us and she snuggled into me I turned the lights off using my magic then finally laid my head down to rest with her.
End of Chapter 8: The Marriage

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