Hello Roomie

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Corbin's POV

After talking to my parents, they both agreed that maybe Jeff would do well living with us. He needed stability, and I needed to bug him.

I showed up at Brook and Blake's to talk to him. We sat down and I suggested my proposal.

"Wait, you want me to live with you," he asked me with doubt.

"Yeah, why not? It's perfect. We have a room, and you need a room. I see no problem with it," I said enthusiastically.

"Corbin, you drive me nuts," he told me.

"I drive everyone nuts," I rolled my eyes.

He arched his eyebrow at me.

"Don't look at me like I'm crazy. I'm am very sane," I said defensively.

"That's debatable," Blake said as Jeff laughed.

I gave Blake a look who smirked. I'll get even with him later.

"I think it's a good idea," Brook agreed.

Jeff looked at her and sighed, "fine, but I swear Corbin if you sing off tune, I will shove a sock in your mouth." He warned me.

I rolled my eyes. People have no taste.

Jeff's POV

I packed all my stuff and went over to Corbin's house. His parents greeted me, and his mom showed me a room I would be staying on at the house. I set my stuff down and looked around.

It's not that I didn't want to be here, well actually I didn't. Not because of Corbin, it was because my life had changed so drastically. One minute it was one way, the next it was different.

I'm not used to a house where families got along. I'm used to the yelling and fighting. I used to dad leaving. I was use to mom crying.

"You know, I know it's a big change, but sometimes change can be good," Corbin said to me.

"I so used to dysfunction for so long, that I don't even know what normal is," I told him.

"Normal is a dryer setting. Jeff, no one is normal. People who claim they are, are sadly mistaken. All we can do is rely on the people around us to give us stability," he reasoned.

"Good point," I said.

"So, you and Brook, huh," Corbin wiggle his eyebrows.

He looked at me.

"At least you didn't take you're sweet ass time finally telling her," he told me.

"You mean like you did with Blake? Weren't you the one that couldn't form coherent sentences when you were around him," he asked me.

"Hey, I can't help it, Blake is hot."

"You drooled more than you spoke. I thought we were going to use a bucket and mop to clean up all your drool," I retorted which caused us to start to bicker.

His mom checked on us.

"You boys getting along?"

We stopped and looked at her, "Yeah, sure," Corbin said.

"Uh-huh. You boys play nice," she said as she left and we could hear her laughing.

We went back to bickering. Yep, this was going to be fun being roommates.

Corbin's POV

Jeff and I settled into being roomies, nicely. No that's a lie. We bickered like two little older men. If I had a brother, I'm pretty sure this is how it would be.

"How's it going with the new living arrangement," Blake asked me.

Before I had a chance to answer, Jeff threw a shoe at me. We looked at him.

"No offense but you have a room," he told me.

I picked up my shoe, "I wondered where that went."

Blake chuckled.

I looked at him, "it's been an adjustment."

He shook his head as Jeff looked at us.

Okay so maybe I left out a few details. Jeff is neat, like obsessive organized where I'm not so much. He takes time in the bathroom, getting ready where I'm lucky I spend five minutes. We were the complete opposites. This what we bickered about the majority of the time. Eh, what can you do?

Felix's POV

Ever be the referee between two people? That was me. I ended up refereeing Corbin and Jeff, even though I was still recovering. Those two need to work their shit out. I got other issues like getting frequent boners.

The doctor said this was normal because my sex drive increases with the hormones. Since they had removed all my female organs, it only raised the issue at hand.

On the bright side, I was healing nicely, except I was always freaking horny. I even decided to relieve it one day to get some relief. Brenda and I weren't to that point. I wanted to wait until we had gone out and got to know each other better.

As I started to work myself, I got into it. Damn, this felt amazing and good. Now I can see what I've been missing. I was enjoying myself when I felt it happen. I felt my release just as the door opened.

I shot, and my eyes widened as Corbin and Jeff's mouths dropped open.

"Abort! Abort!" Corbin yelled as he dragged Jeff out of here and closed the door.

Well, that wasn't embarrassing or anything. Note to self. I need to lock my door. I cleaned myself up, and my mess then made sure I was decent. I opened the door to see both standing there, looking around whistling.

I gave them a look.

"Just so you know, that answered the question of whether or not you get a boner," Corbin said as Jeff facepalmed himself.

"What are you two doofs doing here and if it's to referee your stupid asses, I'm not available. Beeeeep!"

"We were coming to see if you were up to hanging out," Jeff said.

"I'm sore, I just had my first release and not in the mood for shit. What do you think?" I asked Crobin and Jeff.

"Touchy, touchy," Corbin said.

"Felix, we figure we could hang out here, and we promise not to bicker," Jeff assured me.

"Good because right now I'm too sore to kick both your asses," I told them both. I turned and walked back into my room. They followed behind me.

We all hung out, and it was decent. I laid on my bed, and both asked me questions. That part wasn't so lovely. Who the hell wants to discuss their sex change? They did.

Only my doof of friends would want to have an in-depth discussion of how a boner works. You would think they would know this already. Guess not.

I should have expected this. I mean it is Corbin and Jeff. Those two ask some of the strangest shit. Eh, I wouldn't expect anything less from them. At least nothing changed between us.

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