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There are 5 friends. Each one of them has his/her own horse and ofcourse his/her own information which will be placed here (pictures of them will be added)

Name: Rin
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 169
Sexuality: Straight
Color hair: White
Lenght hair: Short
Eye color: Blue
Skill: Archer
Name horse: Stryan
Gender horse:
Female Color horse: White  

Name horse: StryanGender horse: Female Color horse: Whit
Name: Cleb/Cleby
Gender Male
Age: 16
Height: 5,9/ 5,10 on a good day
Sexuality: Bisexual, more into guys
Color hair: blacky brown Lenght hair long but styled up like a rock star : )
Eye color: Turquoise
Skill: Mage
(optional mage): transformation magic 
Name horse: Merlin
Gender horse: Male
Color horse: Grey
Name: Kivaca
Gender: female
Age: 18
Height: 164

Sexuality: bisexual

Color hair: greyish

Lenght hair: normal
Eye color: Red
Skill: Archer

Wolf/cat: Cat

Name pet: Misaki

Gender pet: female

Color pet: light grey with a dark grey nose


Name horse: Mororas

Gender horse: Staillon

Color horse: Dark bay splash roan 

Name: arthur
Gender: male

Age: 16

Height: 1,78

Sexuality: straight

Color hair: black with white

Lenght hair: short

Eye color: red

Skill: Warrior  


Wolf/cat: wolf

Name pet: red

Gender pet: male

Color pet: white  


Name horse: Sally

Gender horse: female

Color horse: black 


Name : Harakou ( aka Hara )

Gender : Male

Age : 18
Height 5'1 / 154cm

Sexuality : Bi

Colour hair : White

Length hair : Long

Eye colour : Brown

Skill : Archer


Wolf / Cat : Cat

Name Pet : Inuyasha

Gender Pet : Male

Colour pet : White


Name horse : Charr

Gender : Female

Colour : White  

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