"The Rumors"Continued (Accidents Happen)

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*knock knock knock*

*Knock knock knock knock on my door*(x2)

You: aigooooo it's just my phone...

[you pick up the phone]

???: hey you busy?

You: nope

???: cool

You: why?

???: I found some old photos from high school, I was thinking about coming over to show them to you...

{this is Jackson y'all are best friends and have known each other since 8th grade, you both go to a dance class for college but he always said he had hated vampires}

[this is Jackson from Got7]

You: cool!!! And yeah remember you can always come over, I know how hard it is to live with that lazy roommate in your dorm...

Jackson: nice I will be there by 12am

You: ok

Jackson: see you

You: bye

{Jackson usually leaves at 5:00pm and gets back at 12:00am for work, because of this you get worried and makes sure he texts or calls you when he gets home}

You: ahhh~ now for some shut eye...

[you lay on your couch and have a short nap...or so you thought]


*Fire truck alarms*
*Police car sirens*

[You sleep while a whole bunch of commotion is going on outside]

You: *you smell something burning*
Hnnnfng...*sniff* whuh... what's that Sm- OH GOD THE FOOD!!!!

To be continued

Sorry for the short chapter but I will continue the story very soon!!

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