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ok so i just wrote the chapter that they make up in and omg it's so cute fucK

rosie: the FUCKING audacity

zacc attacc : what's wrong

rosie: jack just went off on me for no damn reason publicly for NO reason

zacc attacc: yOooo whaT

rosie: right like what did i even do??? i'm sorry i didn't text you?? but a text goes both ways soooo

zacc attacc: ill talk to him

rosie: tell him to pipe it the fuck down or i'll snap his neck

zacc attacc: mmhm i'll uh make sure he knows that

fuck b*tches get m$ney 🤑😎💦😍

molly: yo wtf happened
kylie: you guys saw that too?
rosie: nothing happened
molly: liar😤
kylie: we saw the comments rosie
rosie: jacks just being an ass but it's fine i'm fine
molly: i can hear you crying in your room
kylie: don't let him get to you babygOrl
rosie: it's not just that
rosie: i miss shelby a lot too
shelby: what did i miss
molly: shelby you dumbass just read the above texts
shelby: oh ok
shelby: OH
rosie: it's fine guys
shelby: and i'm sorry 😥 i don't know when i'm able to fly over to visit again
rosie: i'm ok don't worry about me

Wayhoo //j.aWhere stories live. Discover now