Chapter 6

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Practice was over and I was exhausted. This girl kept looking at me and I have never seen her around.

Maybe she was new.

Kira POV

Today I had boring classes like history, or biology.

Tomorrow I had Econ, and History again but, with other people.

I kept starring at this really cute boy named 'Scott'.

He was so cute and he looked like a sweetheart.

I think he saw me looking at him.

I really like him and I would die if he went to prom with me, but I am really nervous.

Melanie POV

Me, Scott, and Stiles got home.

And I was so tired, so I ran upstairs to my room to change into some really comfy clothes.

Stiles was acting really weird, and he didn't say anything on the car ride.

I got in the room and got some sweatpants, a black tanktop, and a hair tie, and everything I needed to take a shower.

The shower felt so good, and made me relax. The warm water ran my back and I was just standing there for like 10 minutes.

Then I noticed I was wasting water, so I got out.

I dryed myself and got dressed.

I put my hair up and walked out of the bathroom.

Then Stiles was knocking at my door like crazy.

"Come in," I said.

"Melanie um, Scott is going out and told me to stay here and watch you. "

"I am 15 I can watch myself " She said.

"Well, maybe you need some company."

I didn't reply.

"Oh come on, whats up." he blurted.

"It's about Thomas. " I said.

Stiles POV

Uh I hated Thomas, the guy just looked evil.

"What did Thomas do?"

"He didn't do anything, its just that he isn't the same."

"What do you mean." I said.

"No not him, us. We aren't the same."

"You mean you guys aren't really close anymore?" I asked.

"I mean I don't love him anymore!".

She started crying and grabbed on to me really hard, and hugged me so tight.

"Its okay, just tell him how you feel."

"I am scared, because he really loves me, and I don't want to hurt him." She whimpered.

"Sometimes the truth hurts." I whispered.

She fell asleep in my arms after a couple of minutes.

We were just laying there, until I remembered that Derek needed my help with Scott.

I slowly lifted her head off my... Ok she didn't mean to leave her head there, she was just sleeping and I didn't want to wake her.

I slowly placed her on her bed, and walked out her room.

"Stiiless." She muttered.


"Please don't leave." she asked.

I would stay but I needed to go with Scott so Derek could do his tattoo. But they weren't back yet.

Besides, I don't really want to see Derek give Scott a tattoo.

"Okay." I said. and sat next to her on the bed.

She came up to me and hugged me tighter and I let her, and I said "Get some sleep, I need to go."

"Ten more minutes please." She said.


Ten minutes later she said, "I love you Stiles, you are so special. "

Then she kissed me in the cheek, and said "Bye Stiles."

And drifted to sleep

She had never kissed me on the cheek. .

What if she likes me?

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