So Many Questions

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Hello guys I am back with another chapter and there is this really annoying piece of hair in my face that is really bothering me... Excuse me while I gio grab my mom's scissors and cut it. Anyway, on with da chapter.

[Ty's PoV]

Adam stood there, nearly completely frozen, shcoked and not saying anything at all.

"T-Ty? H-how did this happen?" He asked I seriously had no answer.

"I-I uh and then uh. I-I seriously don't even know." I replied, stuttering way too much. 

"Ok look. H-How about we try to solve this in a calm way and not let anyone know about it. Ok?" He asked.

"Not anyone know about this? Adam, are you out of your mind? What will my fans think? What will we tell them. I can not replace the deadlox they know now that I'm this." I said.

"Your right but what about the other guys? What should we say?" Adam asked.

"How about we talk to Seto first. Maybe he can explain some unknown things." I suggested.

"Alright. I'll be right back with Seto." Adam said, closing the bathroom door again. I rinsed my face with water to wake me up and make me look not as bad. I went back into the room and sat on my computer chair and leaned back to think. I did this for a couple minutes until I heard voices outside the door. I pretended that I was doing something that wasn't laying back. I quickly went onto Twitter and Facebook to check those kind of things.

I heard the door open and close and I turned around in my chair to see Adam and Seto both standing there. Seto had a look of shock on his face.

"You weren't kidding when you said that Ty had turn into a girl." He said.

"Yeah. Is there any way to fix it and/or at least figure out what caused it?" Adam asked.

"I don't know if I could fix it but I could probably figure out what caused it. But we will have to go down to my lab." Seto replied.

"Alright then. Let's go." Adam said.

"But guys. You do know we have to cross the living room where everyone is to get down there right?" Seto said.

"S**t" I said under my breath "Well I guess the guys will have to find out sooner or later. Might as well be sooner."

"I agree." Adam said. We got up and headed downstairs. Seto in front, Adam in the middle and I got behind Adam just because I was really nervous at what the guys would say about me. Once we got down there, everyones eyes turned towards us.

"Hey Adam. Where's Ty? Is he ok?" Mitch asked.

"Actually he is not but it's not in the way you may think." Adam replied, rubbing the back of his head.

"What do you mean by that? And another thing, why do you have 4 feet?" I heard Jason ask.

"Yeah, that's the thing." Adam said as he stepped to the side and showed me. Everyone's mouths dropped.

"So you got drunk last night and brought home a chick and Ty got mad at you and left you. Is that what you're inplying?" Jerome joked.

"Seriously Jerome. This is me. This is Ty." I said raising my girly voice. Everyone's mouths dropped even bigger if they could get that much bigger. I guess they all thought what Jerome said.

"If your really Ty, then answer some trivia." Mitch said.

"Alright, shoot." I said.

"When did Team Crafted get started?" 

"1 year, 3 months, and 6 days ago."

"Who were the original members of Team Crafted?"

"Adam, myself and Jason." 

"When did Ty and Adam start dating?"

"2 months and 28 days ago." 

"Who did you quote, unquote date before Adam?" 

I blushed and replied "Mitch."

"Really Ty?" Adam asked. I forgot that I never told him or anyone about Mitch and I.

"Yep, you're the real Ty. But, how?" Jerome asked.

"We don't know yet but we have Seto who's going to help us figure it out so wish us good luck." I said as Seto started moving and Adam and I followed him.

"We're talking about this later." Adam said into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. At that time, I was actually slightly scared of Adam but I calmed down withing a few seconds. Once we got downstairs Seto told us to sit down while he grabbed a few things he thought would be nessary. He made me stripped down to barely anything just dtuff covering my genitals. I had to wear a bra which was a little uncomfotable at first but I got used to it eventually.

I didn't know if Seto wanted to cure me or rape me but I was thinking he definately wanted to cure me because I know Seto and he would never try to rape me because Adam would kill him and he's dating Ian so Ian would probably try to kill him as well. I felt like my mind was getting way too sidetracked and I was able to snap myself back into reality to look around and see Adam staring at me.

"Like what you see?" I teased. He turned away and blushed.

"N-No I mean y-yes I mean I don't know Ty. I loved you how you were before but I really like the way you look now. You know? It's one of those things where I'm torn where I want you to turn back but I want to keep you like this." Adam explained, leaning his forehead against mine. 

"I understand Adam. I would probably be the same way if this happened the other way around but I know we will get through this. Trust me on that one." I comforted him. 

"Thanks." He said before giving me a kiss. It felt almost the same as it has these past nearly 3 months. 

"Eh em." I heard someone say. Adam and I broke from our kiss to see Seto standing in the doorway.

"So, what cause it?" Adam asked.

"Ok, you may think I'm crazy but I think I know what caused it. It was"

And that's where I'm ending the chapter. Mwahaha I ended it at a very big cliffhanger. You'll find out what cause him to become a girl in the next chapter and I know that it will surprise you. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and until next chapter, this is bikergal12 and I will see you guys in the next chapter! BYE!! :) Imma go watch Preston and Lachlan's first season of Crazy Craft now! BYE!! :D

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