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Look I've had it till here.
I've posted about this on other social media's but I figured I might as well do wattpad too.

So (some) people have had trouble respecting kids with autism by telling unfunny jokes about it.

And I'm involved in this because my brother Daniel has autism and he has trouble with a lot of things: talking, self control, and manners.

But that's alright because that's him, and I respect that. What I don't respect though is people's opinions of the hilariousiness of autistic children and adults.

First of all AUTISM is to NOT be joked around with. Don't say stuff about as if it's bad. Autism is only a disorder that causes their speech, lowness of learning in schools, and the ability they don't have to be normal in public, even though that is not a bad thing.

When some people say for example "your autistic" they'll say that pointing to a person who's doing something stupid or whatever. PLEASE don't do that because that's so disrespectful! even to me.
And if you know me personally or something you'll know I'm a very emotional person.

I also hate it when, for example:
Today we were lining up on a ride and my brothers talking to the girl who controls the ride about if the ride was safe and that, he got a bit close to her face but he didn't mean to. When my brother and mother were in their seat, I was outside the gate, I heard the girl gossiping to another about Daniel then laughing and giving looks I found worrying.

That is not right! And before you make a joke about (autism) think about other people first. What if a person with autism heard your "joke" and started crying right infront of you? What would you do! If you just laughed there that'll make you a cruel person, seriously.

My brother Daniel is the most amazing person ever. He loves making himself laugh when I say "what the hell"

The people in his primary school love him so much, he's a talented person and he knows so much about computers and codes. Even so when he laughs, there's other things we laugh about him too (in a good way) he makes me laugh with his jokes and when he becomes a chatterbox to a complete stranger.

So before you say anything.
Think twice. Say it nice.

Thank you.

Comment if you have any problems or you would like to add something in this.

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