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Ships: just the squad
Type: Fluff
Au: Voltron as Life guards!

Keith's POV

"Keith come on! Rise n' shine!" I heard Shiro, my foster brother, yell.
"Urghhh" I groan slowly getting out of bed. Today was my first day at my new job, life guarding.

To be honest I know the only reason I really got the job was because of Shiro, he already works there. I don't even really like the beach but whatever I guess.

I walked into the Kitchen to see Shiro already up and eating. He had his workout stuff on so I'm assuming he has already gone for his morning run. I have no idea how he does it, waking up isn't even hard for him.

Having one arm doesn't stop Shiro either. He lost it from a shark attack when he was surfing about three years ago, it also gave him his scar. The fact that Shiro goes back into the water and to save other inspires me so much.

"Are you exited?" He asked me "I remember my first day, meeting everyone. This is a great way for you to make friends!"
"Yeah because we all know I don't have enough of those" I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice
"Hey, thats not what I meant.." Shiro said pouting at me

"Where's Adam?" I asked grabbing an apple for breakfast
"He had to go in early for work to- wait!" Shiro raised and eyebrow "Nice to see your caring about him~"
Adam just moved into Shiro and I's apartment. I wasn't so open about it at first since it's always just been me and Shiro but I guess I got use to having him around.

"Whatever let's just get going" I grabbed my small bag I had back before with a towel and other stuff, and headed for the door.
"Hey your not going anywhere without the driver!"


We ended up parking right in front of the big 'Welcome to The Balmera Beach' sign. Luckily it was a nice day, even though I still thought no one should be at the beach before 9:00am, Here I am.

Shiro led me to a small building right on the edge of the beach and walked in. I made sure to stay close so he could do the talking.
"Good morning!" Shiro said, no one seemed to be there but as soon as he spoke a young girl popped up from behind the front desk.
"Hello Shiro!"

The girl was short and looked around 11. She had light brown hair that stuck out a bit but that worked with her glasses.
"OoO who this?" The girl asked looking at me
"I'm Keith." I said bluntly, it didn't seem to bother her though
"Welcome Keith! I'm Katie but everyone calls me Pidge, I work at the desk and sometimes first aid."

I was shocked when she said she worked here
"Aren't you like te-"
"I'm 15." She said cutting me off, people must say that alot
"Cool." I respond not wanted to get on her bad side.

"Shiro, Pidge who's here-" Another girl walked into the room and I had to say I wasn't surprised. She looked like the type of girl that every boy would fall for. Perfect figure, long hair, tan skin. Ew.

Sadly I knew she wasn't what she seemed. After a second I realise that the girl is Allura, Shiro had told me about her. Since he knew me well he made sure to tell me she is pretty but doesn't flaunt it and is here to actually help. Well she doing better then me so far.

"Keith! Oh it's so nice to finally meet you, I'm Allura one of the Life guards here." I noticed her slight accent as she continued "It's always good to have a new face in the Voltron team."
Instead of responding I kinda of just stared at her not knowing what to say, thank god Shiro is here.

"Thanks Allura, I'm sure Keith will love it here" Shiro said for me, he looked down and gave me a 'Justbenormal' Stare before looking back at Allura
"Where is Lance, Hunk and Coran?"
"Lance and Hunk are out just scouting and Coran is buying some more supplies" Allura said
"And coke, we needed more of that" Pidge added before pulling out a laptop and going to work.

"OK so first thing first, we've got you some swim trunks and you can put your stuff over here" Allura said leading me to a small locker, she showed me were the bathroom was and left so I could get changed, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

So good so far Keith, let's just get to the water and your fine. Keith went into the bathroom to put on the red bathers but kept his shirt on, hell take that off when necessary.

Walking back into the main room there were two new boys standing there. Both of them were tan and tall except while one was lanky with a little muscle the other was bigger.

"-and then woosh!" said the lanky one with gestures and sound effects, Keith must of walked in in the middle of a story. "it was pretty cool."
Keith tried to go stand behind Shiro without being noticed but failed.
"Oh Keith!" dam it Allura. "Meet Lance and Hunk, Lance and Hunk this is Keith, Shiro's little brother and the newest part of are team" She pointed to them as she said there name. So Lance is the kinda cute one...

"Welcome to the team dude!" Hunk said smiling
"Yeah, don't want to worry you or anything but you'll be working alongside the greatest lifeguard know to man!" Lance gestured to himself and I thought it'd be fun to tease him
"Yeah Shiro's told me about what a great lifeguard Hunk is, I mean wow!" While Shiro shook his head at the bickering, Pidge, Allura and Hunk laughed.

I gave Lance my most innocent smile but he just scoffed in return.
"Alright, Alright. It's nearly time to start heading out so we're going to split into groups. Hunk, Allura and Pidge, if she decides to go outdoors" Pidge hissed but Shiro just continued "And Keith, Lance and I"

Everyone nodded and moved around
"Where are you going?" I asked Shiro and Lance
"To the beach budgie, duh" Lance explained, I could tell he was holding a grudge for before which could either be fun or horrible
"Go easy on him Lance he doesn't go to the beach often, more of a pool person" Shiro said, I nodded
"Anyway let's just go,"


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