1: So I Do it Solo

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Authors Note: Hey Guys! This is my first book and I really hope you enjoy. This is a story about two girls who fall in love. A story about two girls in rivalry. Enjoy! Oh and btw I think I might start a tumblr page so you guys can see all the dances that I explain in this and art and more! Anyways, enough of my rambling, enjoy!


Oh come on! Why wasn't I included in your dance!" Poppy whined as she leans against her friend, Lacey.

"It's a duet dance, there can only be two. Besides, you're a pain to work with" Mikey, Poppy's other friend replied.

"I AM NOT!" Poppy shot back.

"Uhh I think he's right" Lacey said.

Poppy gasped dramatically. "OH! What amazing friends you are!" She crossed her arms with a hmph. Mikey and Lacey roll their eyes.

"Would you at lease let me help you choose your music!?" Poppy suggested.

"Uh no, your music taste is waaay too stereotypical and cheesy." Mikey says.

"Says the guy who listens to Ariana Grande on repeat." Lacey states.

"Whaat?? Ariana is a queen" Mikey praises.

"Alright, enough with the gay shit, we need to pick a song!" Lacey says.

"Anyways, shouldn't you be getting ready for your dance? It's only in 2 weeks." Mikey says.

"OH! Right haha, I better be off then" Poppy laughs as she gets up. "Well, break a leg!" She shouted as she ran to the stairs.

Poppy always loved the top floor. It was really quiet, her place to relax and let her feet guide her with the music. Everytime she walked through the hallways of Level 3, she would always hear her footsteps as clear as day and of course, 3L. Her favourite room, she never knew why she was so attached to it, maybe the smell of fresh flowers that scented the room? Maybe the polished floor that Poppy could see her reflection in? Maybe the music speakers that could play music super loud? Or maybe just the fact that it is her place of escape from the world? Yeah, that was the reason. She smiled. But wait, is that music?? There is never usually anyone up here, as she got closer, the music seemed to come from..

Poppy gasped.

"SOMEONE IS IN MY ROOM" She yelled through her head. She furrows her eyebrows. Ugh what music is this person playing? Some sort of rap music? Of course she can't go wrong with some Nicki Minaj or some Cardi B, even Drake! But like, this is hardcore rap, like hip hop. Hell no! Hip hop may be cool to watch she must admit but definitely not her style at all.

She stomps over to the door, ready to burst it open when the song changes. Now this is one she knows well: Solo by Demi Lovato and good old Clean Bandit.

Maybe this fuckwit's music is not so bad after all?

The thought is later pushed away with the returning fact that someone was using her room, but she was curious on how this person dances.

As the first verse starts, Poppy slowly opens the door a bit just to get a peek of this person.

Okay so it's a chic. A chic with an off-shoulder midriff, showing a black bra under, a nice slim body, tightly fitted gym pants with a black and white flannel, types around her waist. Her hair seemed to be all shoved into a black cap, which large hoops hanging from her ears. This was very different to how Poppy dresses but hey, it's not a bad look, it suits this chic.

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