love allergy - hyunsung

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hyunjin stared at the blond boy wearing a red beanie and three layers of clothing

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hyunjin stared at the blond boy wearing a red beanie and three layers of clothing. he's been in the store for a while, pacing around with a rose in his hand. he pretends to check out the products, but his wavering eyes say that he's anxious. hyunjin didn't think much of it, the store attracts weird people and this guy is nothing compared to other customers before him. beanie guy held the rose tightly and grabbed whatever was in front of him - which just so happens to be a box of tampons - and stumbled his way to the counter.

"hey, uh," he put the box on the counter and slid the rose to hyunjin, "i think that you're really cute, so i brought you this rose, and uh, you don't have to accept it but anyway- i'm sorry, bye!"

the boy ran out after the word vomit that was so suddenly thrown at hyunjin. he looked down at the rose and scrunched his face, picked it up with a tissue and tossing it in the garbage. the rest of the day was the usual boring, uneventful scenarios. he pushed beanie boy and the rose to the back of his head and didn't think about it until work was over.

he passed by the flower shop and started sneezing loudly, causing the employee to come out with some tissues. he froze as his eyes met with the beanie guy from earlier. he didn't have his beanie on this time and his blond hair fell on his forehead as he looked down and stretched his hand out.

hyunjin took the tissue and left without a second glance. he could hear the flower shop's door being closed. he didn't turn around and kept walking until he reached home.


the guy was there the next day with lillies. the day after that he got carnation, and each day he comes over, a different flower with him ready to get thrown in the trash after he leaves. hyunjin learned from another employee (felix) that his name is han jisung and he works at the flower shop. and as days, weeks, and months pass jisung's confidence shot up and he started flirting with the cold-hearted employee.

"hey, you weren't here yesterday. are you okay?" jisung asked, handing hyunjin a tulip. the other day he got him a bouquet of white roses, which he couldn't immediately throw away because jisung stayed until his shift ended. hyunjin had a runny nose and a scratchy throat and he just didn't want to receive another flower that day so he called in sick for work.

hyunjin nodded, "i was sick," he put jisung's tampons in a plastic bag and handed it to him. "have a good day."

"did you miss me?" jisung grinned and leaned over the counter.

"i said have a good day."

"i'll take that as a yes then," he chuckled. "see you tomorrow, cutie." he blew hyunjin a kiss and walked out with his thirtieth box of tampons. god knows what he does with them, hyunjin didn't even want to think about it.

and as the door closes behind him, hyunjin lets out a huge breath and nonchalantly tosses the yellow tulips in the trash.


it was unusual for jisung to come in with a frown on his face and no flowers. he put the box on tampons down stared at hyunjin for a long second before looking away.

"if you didn't like flowers you could've just told me," he said and walked out without his tampons.

hyunjin looked down at the pink cyclamen; a symbol for separation. he picked it up, as he always did for the last two moths, then ran out of the store.

"jisung!" he shouted at the blond who was at the other side of the street. cars were passing by and he couldn't hear him over the loud beeping. a huge truck passed by, hiding the boy behind it and after it passed, he couldn't spot the red beanie anywhere.

he let go of the flower and went back in, his heart feeling heavy for some reason. the image of jisung's cold eyes was stuck in his mind and he couldn't focus on work. all he could think about was his teary eyes and broken voice. 

after work, hyunjin visited by the flower shop and looked in through the glass window. he saw him, a big smile plastered on his pretty face as he talked to an elderly lady who had bought some carnations. he couldn't stop looking, even with the painful itch and watery eyes, all he could do was stare.

the lady left the shop and glanced at hyunjin then smiled, "i don't blame you, he's a stunning young man," she chuckled. he didn't really understand what she meant, but there was no time to think about it because jisung was right next to him. they looked at each other for a moment, and hyunjin had just noticed how beautiful he was.

"ji, listen-"

jisung turned his back and started watering the potted plants that were lined up in front of the store.

"come on, don't be like this..." hyunjin put his hand on jisung's shoulder, which he yanked off before stomping into the shop and slamming the door. 


it's been a week and jisung has never stepped into the shop once since that day. he didn't even walk by the shop, but hyunjin went to the flower shop every day to look for him and he was never there. he asked another employee about jisung and she informed him that he quit. 

he walked back home, the moon shining brightly in the dark sky. jisung's voice played in his head. his sweet laugh made him smile. ever since that day... he noticed the little details about him that made him so beautiful. his chubby cheeks that would turn pink every time hyunjin laughed at his silly jokes and the way he looked at hyunjin when he pretended to look away. jisung became a part of his daily routine, although he annoyed the hell out of hyunjin, he never hated it.


he turned around, and under the moonlight stood his admirer. there was a bit of dirt on his cheeks but he looked breathtaking nonetheless. hyunjin smiled and slowly walked over. 

"i'm allergic to flowers, dumbass," he wiped the dirt off jisung's face.

jisung laughed lightly, "i thought you hated me," he grabbed hyunjin's arm and leaned in. 


i really like you."

hyunjin's lips were always jisung's favorite feature but he loved them more when they were pressed against his.

the end.

i told you i was gonna do it :^))
it's trash but ay, i tried.
i hope you liked this lil one shot (well, it's over 1k words but still-)
have a good day! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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