flashbacks pt.2

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Third person

"Come on taehyung get down to eat!" Jimin shouted from the kitchen.

He got no response.

He started climbing the stairs.
"Ohh come on taehyung. It's fine if you eat, you won't die if you don't eat. I'll tell you several tricks to die but just eat." He shouted as he opened the door

He saw the usual taehyung nowadays.
Pale skin, thin body because he hasn't had any food for goddamn three days no matter how much the shorty insisted he never ate food.

Taehyung was sitting on the bed face dug inside his own knees and loud sobs could be heard from the younger boy

"Ohhh come on taehyung not again" jimin said rubbing his forehead in stress snd worry.
The boy had been crying continuously for the past three days because of one shitty person who he trusted and loved the most

Jeon jungkook

Jimin placed himself near taehyung on his bed.
"Taehyung this is the bitter truth you have to accept this" he said patting the younger's hair.
"What....what did i-i do to him" he cried loudly in a muffled voice as his face was in his knees.
"You did nothing to him tae........he is a bastard who has a concrete heart" jimin told
"B-but....i-i l-loved him s-so much" he faced jimin with his face puffy because of excessive crying, his eyes and nose red.
"I know you loved him tae.....i know you still do and won't even stop loving him. But see for God's sake what he has done to you. You are so............
You are never like this tae. I wanna see you healthy, i wanna see you happy. Leavr him he was never worth your love" jimin said caressing tae's back

"But jiminie.........i -i gave him my virginity and all he d-did was this. I-i am not complaining........ About w-what he did b-but what he sa-said" taehyung said crying but tears weren't flowing out of his eyes, he has cried so much that no tears are left to cry now.

"Oh come on now taehyung! You know you are not a toy! The one who is a fucking bastard is that jungkook! Why don't you listen to me." Jimin shouted.

Seeing his friend breaking apart wasn't even in his imaginations. He always wanted best for his friends. Even if he has to sacrifice his happiness.
He wasn't meaning to shout but he wasn't angry at taehyung, he was angry at jungkook. Jungkook was taehyung's best friend or maybe he acted like this just to get inside taehyung's pants.

"Taehyung sometimes you have to just let go on some things or people because they aren't meant to be yours........... They never value people. The fault isn't yours so stop blaming yourself. You know his past. He was a fucking horny ass who just likes to ruin people's virginity like this. These people can never love someone and they don't even deserve being loved" jimin's voice was calmer now.

"What am i jiminie? Am i am a toy? A-am i not good in bed? A-am i not lovable?......tell me jimin.....tell me what kind of people does jungkook likes?
D-does he likes people wearing short s-skirts? I will wear it i-if he likes it.
Tell me jimin.......does he likes a slut? I-i can be that for him
Jimin....... I will do anything for him to get back.
Please jimin........get me jungkook.
I miss him" he whispered the last words.

"I-i can't see you like this taehyung! Please stop it. Care for the people who love you! I know you miss him.........i know but he doesn't and that's the cruel reality. Stop it! Not for yourself but for the one's who care for you" jimin said crying
He stood up to run, then reached the door and before leaving he said
"Jungkook doesn't love you tae......if you can......stop loving him" he said and ran wiping his tears.

Taehyung stood up and waddled towards the mirror
He stared at his own reflection for a while.
"People are saying to try stop loving you." He said blankly looking in the mirror.
"I can't do that.......but i can do one thing" he said tears flowing down his cheeks.

"I can hate you jungkook"
"I hate you........i hate your bunny smile........i hate your toned abs.........i hate your touch........i hate your warmthness.......i hate your beautiful face.........i hate you" he said slaping himself for letting jungkook do this

"I hate you for making me this miserable. I wish i would have never met you"

"I wish i never loved you"

"I know i can never hate you.......but i hate you" he said

"You can never do this to me ever again"
He said wiped his tears and greeted everyone cheerfully

"New life awaits taehyung.

A life without jungkook"

Taehyung said to himself

To be continued

Anneo guys
Sorry for a late update
Next update in a few seconds;);)

Thank me


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