Seeing Through My Eyes: O/Cs

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Name: Kat

Age: 15 (at beginning of book)

Likes:    Sweets, Spices, Max, helping people, being mischievous, being annoying to those who            are rude.

Dislikes:    Sour foods. The real white coats. Heights. People who are rude. 

Power:    She has the power to see into other people's minds and some powers that will be revealed in the actual book shortly. *Hint: Max and her have similar powers, all the way down to the smallest detail they are -mostly- similar.

Power Rank:   She is the most powerful experiment ever 'created'. To understand more read the book. :]

Looks:   She is average height, about 5'4", She has long golden-brown hair that can seem red at times (but unlike Max her hair color does not physically change). She normally wears a regular black jacket with neon green designs and boot-cut dark blue jeans. A regular T-shirt under that. Of course the necessary undergarments as well.

 Of course the necessary undergarments as well

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Name: Max

Age: 15 (at beginning of book)

Likes: He really is a mystery... the only thing I can tell without giving spoilers is ice cream and pizza. Author-chan says no more.

Dislikes: People who don't even try to understand, heights (he actually got over the fear by the time Kat met him), Ignorant people. Again, Author-chan says no more...

Power: He has the ability, even though it sounds weird, to know everything about a person- just by touching his  head to theirs. (There is a lot more to his power, read the book to find out more.

Power rank: Second most powerful experiment ever 'created'. 

Looks: 6' 2", slim body, color changing hair, normally wearing a dark blue hoodie, a normal t-shirt, gray wash jeans. Of course the necessary undergarments.

These are the two main characters from 'Seeing Through My Eyes'. There are still other important characters, such as Alaneia, Alexis, James, Bobby, and the 'white coats'.

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