Chapter 2

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~  A Couple of Months Later Y/n POV ~

It was Late April the skies were grey. The temperature was humid and sticky. I hated it when it rained. It mad the Earth look so depressed and gloomy.

I looked up at the clocke and saw there was 30 more min till dismissal. Ugh! I hated school. I laied my head on the cold wood desk hoping the time would speed up. It was Monday and I couldn't wait to watch WWE RAW after I finish my homework. I thought about life and my dad. He is in the Military at the moment. He should be coming home in 3 months. I missed him. I was suddenly interupted from my thoughts by a large bang.

I nearly jumped out my seat to realize it was only thunder. I saw Ray snicker in the corner of my eye. I gave him a death glare and he stopped. " Ms.Hall you finally decided to join us." Ms.Hilshire spoke. I just rolled my eyes.

I glanced at the clock only 5 more minutes. " Ok start packing up!" she said walkig off to her desk. I packed up my things all ready to. I looked over a Jacob and saw him walking towards me. I smiled at him and he mirrored it. " Yuo walking home." I asked . " Yea I don't have a ride so I have no choice" He looked out the stormy window. " I could give you a ride my mom is picking me up." " Ok."

The bell rung and we walked down the hallway. I looke out the small window and saw my moms blue Sentra waiting outside. " Ok thats the car on 3 we run got it." " Got it." " 1...2.....3!!! Go! GO! GO!" I yelled. we dashed to the car like little maniacs. We hopped in the car out of breath. I laughed to myself at how silly we must've looked running.

" Hey mom." I said panting." Hi Mrs. Hall " Jacob said. " Hi sweetie Hi Jake." she said starting the car. We headed down to Jacobs house. We dropped him off to his house many times since his dad is at work. Cynthia is always home cause she works nights. I could tell Jacob didn't like Cynthia that much.

We were outside Jacob's house. He said goodbye and walked out te car dragging his bookbag behind him. We waited outside just to make sure Cynthia was home but before he could knock the door flew open with a panicking Cynthia. '

" Hi  Mrs. Hall I was wondering if you watch Jacob for a couple for a few hours. My Ex called telling me my son's in the hospital." She said quickly.

" Sure." My mom shrugged.

" Thank You so much." She raced down the street to the hospital.

The hospital was only a couple a blocks away from here. I was so excited. I finally get to show Jacob what wrestling is. See Jacob has a tv but it only has a few channels on so he never actually watched wrestling and I was excited to finally show him.

We drove to my house and Jacob had his mouth hung open. I shrugged my shoulder and walked past him. I walked inside taking off my shoes and he followed, We walked upstairs to my room to do our homework.


" I TOLD YOU!!!! HE WAS GONNA WIN!!!!!!" He said jumping around the room.

I laughed at how excited he was I walked over too my dresser and grabbed the 5 dollars and handed it to him.

" Here " I said smiling

He looked at me confused and hesitated for a second.

" Your actually giving this to me?"

" You one it fair and square." I said shrugging " Besides its only $5 its not like I gave you $20."

" Thanks."

We sat back down to watch the rest of the matches and te exciment on Jacobs face was priceless. No one I knew liked wrestling like I did exept my dad and he won't be back soon. Mom thought it was too agresssive so she never watches it.

The door bell rung downstairs. Jacob and I got up to peek at who it was. It turned out it was his dad. I heard Jacob sigh.

" Whats up?"

" I hate going to Cynthia's house she's so boring and all she cares about is how her hair looks orif her make-up is good. She gets on my nerves."

" Why don't you sl-" I was cut off.

" Jacob your dad is here." My mom yelled.

" Bye Alex." he hugged me good bye. " See you at school."


Hey guys I will now be continuing this story! Hope you guys enjoy it and it should be better than my first story so just please hold on. Update will be comming soon! ;)

~ Jasmine


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