Chapter 35: Damn Have I Missed You!

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~3 months later~

Maddie POV

OMG i miss prince so much I'm bout to explode! I'm so sexually frustrated I wanted to scream. I haven't done it since we brought Issy home almost a year ago. Issy is 1 I'm so happy! Obv we had a party for her and prince was here but we didn't do anything cuz he was only going To be there for that day. Issy been growing and getting bigger. I'm teaching her how to talk know.... But she hasn't said her frist word yet but she almost there. Issy is over Nia's house. I just finished with the wedding planner. And she was just leaving. I went to my room and layed on the bed. I picked up my phone and I still didn't have a text from prince. Damn he so busy. I tried not think about it. But I really want him. I layed there and thought about prince. Damn I need him. I couldn't take it anymore. I put my hand inside my pants and felt myself. I started mastubating and thought about prince while doing it.

Maddie: mmmmm

After a while I got bored of that so I got the "toy box" I grabbed the vibratior and turn it on. I put it agansted my kitty and it felt so good.

Maddie: mmmm

All of a sudden the door fell open and prince stood in the doorway.... What is he doing here? He shouldn't be home till at least a week.

Maddie: o hey prince....

I turned off the vibrotor and sat it next to me. I was bout to cover up when Prince grabbed the sheets.

Prince: don't mind me. Keep going at like I'm not even here..

I sat on the bed and felt myself...

Maddie: mmmm Jacob..!

Prince: you miss me?

Prince asked taking of his cloths. He took of his shrit and I stared. He pulled down his pants leaving his boxers on.

Maddie: mmmmmmm

Prince gave me a smirk which instantly made me wet. I felt wetness on my hand. I licked my finger as prince walked to me. He looked my body and smirked again... Making me more wet. I slowly closed my eyes as I licked my fingers. Making myself look more sexy. Then all of a sudden I felt to fingers in me. I opened my eyes and saw prince fingering me.

Prince: I'ma take control now.

He gave me a smirk and started eating me out as he fingered me. It felt so damn good. He took his fingers out and put his touge in. It felt so good. I was surprised I haven't moaned yet. I bit my lip and came and he licked me clean. He stood in front of me and I noticed his boner.

Maddie: you have a huge boner baby...

Prince: I know... You wanna help me with it. *smriking*

I nodded my head and he got on the bed. I got onto of him and I put the tip in. I went alittle farther realizing how tight I was. He bit his lip and closed his eyes. I stayed there for a while and prince eyes open really quickly. He grabbed my hips and pushed me down so that all of him was inside of me. I moved up and down on him making him groan. He missed this. It was obv. I moved faster on him. He bit his lip. I closed my eyes and let out a few moans. I moved around on him in a circular Motion and I felt him tight up alittle. He made a face and I knew we was about to cum. I felt something warm inside of me and I hopped off if prince. He looked at me and kissed me on my neck making me moan. Prince got on top if me and kissed all over my body. He inserted the tip in me and kissed me. He started thrusting in and out of me fast making me moan loud. After about 3 mintues I came and prince cleaned me up. Prince layed next to me and kissed me.

Prince: Damn I missed that...

Maddie: me too...

He kissed me one last time and we smiled at eachother. When someone came in the door it was Nia holding Issy and Troy.

Maddie: o hey Nia...

Nia: o sorry is this a bad time... Cuz yall was having some fun.... Wasn't yall!

Me and prince looked at eachother and laughed.

Nia: I'll give yall some time to put in some cloths.

Me and prince put on some cloths and I got Issy. I put he in her room and turned on some tv. I went back into me and Princeton's room and layed on the bed. Prince sat next to me and kissed my forehead.

Prince: I love you Madison

Maddie: I love you Jacob

I fell asleep on prince chest. Man I love this dude!

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