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I'm out of things to say so i guess i'll be on my way.Out the door into the world to laugh and frolic all day until the sun goes down. Normally I begin with a frown.Then a scowl. A sob then a cry. I may even make you feel as if you want to die. Who am I? You ask. Well thats simple you see. I am doubt. I start as a seed and grow and grow until I can grow no more. There is no ridding of me because I simply come and go as I please. I am neither here nor there I am simply everywhere.I am that word you hate to hear. That thing that you would never want to commandeer.I am your worst fear. You see my dear only you can start me. I have no control I can only grow the more you think of me.Ii can grow to be as small as a pea or as big as the sea. It all depends on you. And with that i bid you adu.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2012 ⏰

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