Meeting is such sweet... Substance? Prologue (Part one)

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A/N I know I Know I'm already starting with a multiple part story but this is how my main oc pair met and it's my most well through through story. I hope u like it! Not super intense but def not just fluff. It gets into the kink but with no smUt. This chapter is just set up tho~

If u wanna get to the good stuff skip the first two prologues of this story and read that chapter. Thank you!!! (note this hasn't actually been written yet sorry bros )

Honestly... The drink was getting to him. He could feel the soft pink cloud of drunkness slowly closing in on him. Everything felt covered in mist; Faded and a little far away. He put down his half full glass. Looking up at his rival across the table he saw the guy's glass was tilted high in the air as he drained it. A thud shook the table as he swung it back down, emptied.
"You loose baby boy."
The group crowded around and cheered. Tristan laughed with them. He wasn't surprised he hadn't won, he never seemed to excel at anything really, especially not drinking.
"Ok so, the dare,"
The guy paused to contemplate, holding his chin and tapping the table. The group egged him on in his choice calling out phrases like "Hurry it up!" Or "Come on what?!"

"Y'know... I really can't shink of anything." The guy said starting to slur his words a little. He rummaged in his pockets and pulled out random things; Paperclips, receipts, old squished toffees, all gingerly removed and tossed. Eventually, out came a card. The guy paused and then nodded,  handing it to Tristan.
"I got this. Here, you gotta go and use that card. My brother got it off like his friend's... girlfriend's, sister and he gave it to me for some reason I got no clue why. Probably trying to get rid of it."

"Just like you're trying to get rid of it?" Tristan asked and the guy grinned.

He held it out and Tristan took it, apprehensive. His friends wouldn't give him something illegal... Hopefully...
"Carla's Dungeon. 'Let your imagination run riot we are beyond surprise.'- The Player, Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are dead .
This card, when presented at Carla's Dungeon, is a coupon to the holder for One free session of selected service [-------]"
Tristan struggled to read the label next to the box that was checked off.
"Hey, this looks sketchy. I don't know... I can't even read what it's for."
He said.
A friend behind him responded with .
"Aww come on you lost to this light weight don't be a wuss."
The rest of the group agreed and began to chant before Tristan cut them off.
"All right! All right. Fine. Honestly. I'm scared you'll sell somebody on the black market someday."
Tristan's best friend Rachel, aka Rick, leaned over too him.
"Are you volunteering?"
The others laughed in approval. Rick was serious but always could easily become laid back if she knew she had free reign. She was very much the opposite of Tristan, appearance and personality wise.

Rick with her pin straight black hair against Tristan's wavy ashy blonde. Tristan paused to look at her hair which fell down her back to her waist. She was shorter than Tristan's 173cm, she was only around 156cm making her the shortest in the group. Her muscly stockiness directly contrasted Tristan's average but unstrengthened frame. And Tristan's quiet, almost floaty personality just accentuated Rick's... Intensity... At... Well everything.

With all this, if you put them next to each other you would never know they were brother and sister. Only their dark minty green grey eyes and soft features would have given it away if anyone looked close enough. Rick had always been a fan of body mods and things to change her appearance. Her straightened and dyed hair was a testament to that and just made it harder to match them as siblings. He also knew that just below her collar bone there were thin dark blue tattoos snaking their way across her upper torso and she also had a flower shaped belly button piercing. He had been given the privilege to see her wandering around right out of a shower only wearing her shorts and a towel. Tristan sighed. It was times like that that made him want to stop rooming with his sister. But they got along well aside from mishaps like that and it was comfortable and easy to room with her. His other friends already had places themselves or with their roommates.

Tristan was drawn from his stupor by Rick suddenly calling his name.
He sighed, he knew that tone. That tone meant that Rick had drunk enough that she would start gushing. About anything. The lacquer on the bar, her work, a book she read recently. Anything that took her fancy. Usually Tristan kinda enjoyed it. Honestly he found it amusing mostly, her grinning stupidly and taking in detail about the exciting plot points of a trashy tv drama. But... As a loudmouthed sister she could sometimes bring up things he didn't really like to think about.

She repeated looking at him as she lay her head on the table. Tristan had begun to collect their scattered belongings. At first he paid no mind to her ramblings but, as she went on she began getting closer to sad contemplative drunk than happy drunk.
"You're so weird yknow I mean. I love you dude I'd never want you to change but like. I don't know if I've ever seen you really relax. Even at home! I mean you can "chill out" and hang like any body but you always sheem kinda guarded like u always gotta be on guard from sumthin'."

Tristan just looked at Rick, a little uncertain. Most of the people around the table were chatting amongst themselves but she still was speaking loudly.

"No one else seems to notice but I've known u so long I can tell these things. You're so closed off, but not in like a baaaaad way or like mean. But like you never get like uber emotional or excited or open to anything. I don't know... I guess you just... Haven't found anything relaxshing to you???."
She began to lift her torso slightly and twist herself to look at Tristan properly.
"You're my bro and my bestie I want you to be happy but I don't know what I cam do for you. You always seem like you're always jush disinterested. Like you haven't got anything to do... Jusht doing whatever you should not wat chu want."
Tristan fidgeted a little, she always managed to have very insightful comments right at the wrong times. This was a fun party, not a time for introspection.
"You've had enough. We're going home."
Rick turned away and pouted before mumbling words of reluctant acceptance and slowly sitting up. Tristan helped her up and they left, calling out their goodbyes as they started the walk back to their apartment. Tristan felt the sharpness of the cold air meeting his lungs as he sucked in a deep breath. He looked at his sister, her slightly flushed face and half lidded, squinty eyes. He smiled a little at her scrunched up expression. Tristan shifted the weight she put on him and continued to walk with her down the pavement. His mind wandering to the comments she had made.

He started, knowing full well she wouldn't hear, or, if she did, she wouldn't remember.
"I guess you're right. I don't really have anything to throw myself into or open up to. But that's fine isn't it I..?I mean it's not like I... Urgh I'm going fine I... I don't need that sort of thing. I'm having fun as is. I mean, this is fun right?"
His mind wandered as he stared at the small cloud of condensation escaping from his mouth. He lurched a little as she shifted her weight and Tristan let out a laugh.
"Ok maybe carrying you home dead drunk isn't so fun. But it's not like I'm upset. I'm fine just living, I don't need anything more."

He huffed as he came to his conclusion. Satisfied by it.
For now.

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