Meeting is such sweet... Substance? Prologue (Part two)

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AN: Just more set up, sorry but it gives better flow and context for the characters. I feel like my pacing is all whack and my character interactions unnatural and I'm gonna try and fix it up asdfghjkl.

The dark room was lit only by the yellow lamps that hung from the walls. The dark purple wallpaper reflected the warm light and gave the room a cozy feeling to it. The patterning on the walls crawled like sewn spiderwebs and were just as intricate, entwining together in a complicated dance of order and disorder. They had a matte shine to them and gave an elegant backdrop to the rooms atmosphere. A mildly sweet Musk filled the air. The smell of... Unsavoury pastimes. Pheromones and perfume.
This smell was heavy and would make anyone uninitiated shiver and tremble internally at the hint of its presence. The large and dark ebony desk gave the brown haired figure behind it a look of importance and respect, to be given at all times without hesitation. Though she herself would have illicited that reaction in any case, her deep reddish amber eyes shone in the dark and her full hourglass figure wasn't over accentuated but still impossible to miss under her trench coat. Her mass of wavy, smooth, deep black hair gave her an imposing air. She was alluring. No question.

Simple, but comfortable chairs lined one wall, they also were coloured with similar darkened hues, reds and browns which offset the bright splashes of cool green from the potted plants set strategically at the outer edges of the room. A door opposite the entrance beside the counter hinted at... goings on. Behind that door was probably more than any person of good repute would ever wish to see and so it was tempting to all who stood before it. The whole setting blended together to create a beautiful, heavy atmosphere of desire and questionable deeds.

Suddenly a loud groan followed by a thud roused the scene from its sultry stupor as Cristiana softly, but firmly, whacked her head on the solid desk, continuing to mumble and grumble to the table, like a rowdy ghost. Another woman walks through the door next to the desk.
"Chris, hold yourself together it's almost time to close."
Chistiana turned to face the dark skinned woman who had spoken.
"But Jaiden! No one is coming can't we close up just a little early???Like what the hell I'm just sitting here bored out of my god damn mind!"
Jaiden just looked at Christiana. Flicking the blue tinted hair from her face Jaiden replied, in a tone that implied she had had to say this many times before, and had no trouble repeating it.
"No. As I've said, While it's not often, we still get people who prefer to come right at the end of opening hours. Our entire business is making people happy so being convenient and allowing people to be discreet is a service we will give. And if that means keeping the store open late then that's what will happen. We aren't exactly an all purpose store, we need to show our customers the care and attention they want to get here so they'll come back. We can't afford to lose members because of our laziness."
Chirstiana sighed.
"I'll give them attention all right when I beat those baby punks into a pulp. Maybe then they won't mind us closing two bloody minutes early."
Jaiden just looked at Chris.
"Y'know one day you'll have to get rid of that attitude of yours, some customers want it but that doesn't mean every Tom, dick or Harry wants you to treat them like shit. In fact, what am I even talking about, you sub most of the time..." she paused and sighed. "I mean... I had you pegged as a dom from the beginning. Why do you refuse to do Dom jobs?"
Chris looked at Jaiden with wide eyes and a mildly shocked look on her face.
"God that was outta fukin' nowhere, why are you so curious about it? You keep randomly asking."
Jaiden just narrowed her eyes
"I've been thinking about it for a while."
Chris sighed
"Ugh fine. If you keep nagging me I'll probably just kheel over in self defense. Look, I just prefer to sub cause then I don't have to pay as much attention. Just let the customer do what they want and respond like they want and everyone's happy. And it's not like I hate pain or anything. I can deal with it. It's so much harder to fake it if I'm Domming I can't get into it!" Jaiden just gave Chris a look.
Said Chris, indignantly,
"You're a Dom I know it. You just gotta find the right guy. Or girl. Y'know! Get all that aggressive dominating tension out!"
Chris scowled but before another aggressive remark could be made. The door made a knocking sound. Jaiden swiftly moved over and opened it to find a young and timid looking girl, not much older than 20 standing in the door. She jumped a little before twisting a scarf she had in her hands in nervousness.
"I... Uhh is this uhm Jaidens's du-du-dun...?"

She looked like she was gonna explode with nerves and couldn't get the words out. Her voice was a little deeper and smoother than one might expect from such a small looking effeminate girl, but the tremble was unmistakable.

Jaiden swiftly took the girl's hand and gently lead her into the building,
"Yes it is. I'm Jaiden and this is my associate Christiana. We can help you choose which service you'd like. We have ourselves and other female and male staff to choose from if you'd like to see our list. Or you can rest in a room and choose from there.
The girls face lit up red as a Fire hydrant.
"Uhh I... Uhhm."
Jaiden smiled. She was the best with the nervous ones so Christiana began to tune out.
"If you'd like,"
Jaiden said
"I can leave you here with Chris to go through the selections."
The girl suddenly jumped and grabbed Jaidens's hand.
"Ah! I mean uhhh... No wait I... I... I would like to go with you..."
Jaiden paused then smiled.
"Sure, we can discuss specifics in the back then shall we?"
Christiana rolled her eyes. Jaiden was the smoothest talking girl she had ever met. If Chris hadn't been in one of her straight 100 year cycles she'd have jumped her when they met. But one has to keep a schedule, for sanity's sake if nothing else.

Jaiden led the girl into the back. The girl nearly tripped on the doorway.

Yawning Christiana leaned back and waited for the chime and the sweet sweet release of not being on the job.

A/N Is the 100 year cycle comment confusing u? Ha ha I had some trouble implying what it mean without explaining directly. I'm a sneak and I'm not gonna tell u other than. She is much older than 100 years What information u get from that is up to you.

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