Shark Boi

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OMG! Like whyyyyy!

Okay you're probably confused on why im freaking out up there, well one day during the middle of 1st period a kid just brought out a shark costume.  We have a day called "Scrabble Day", were a group of kids wear a shirt/jacket/whatever they want with a letter on it and the biggest word gets a prize.  The girl behind be (I'll just refer to her as Lil for now, don't wanna say there real names) and her friends were doing the word "Shark".  For some reason only-god-knows-why, she brought a left shark costume.

Now let me tell you about my classmates for a bit, were crazy.  Simple as that, so I really shouldn't be that surprised this happened but still, like who brings a FLUFFING LEFT SHARK COSTUME to school and pays a kid $5 to wear it, but Lil didn't even pay him.  If your going to make someone wear a left shark costume at least pay him like you promised!

  Yeah my class is weird, heck my LIFE is weird.  I wonder what it's like to have a normal life but that seems to boring to me.  

welp this is all for today,  

                                                  Lilly out~

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