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sehyoon is the third wheel.

he sits on the cushioned seats of the club. he glances at the stage, yuchan and byeongkwan are dancing with each other. he lets out a sigh. the couple had told him that they wouldn't make him the third wheel, but after four shots, the two had their hips attached.

sehyoon knew that this was going to happen, it happens every time. so why does sehyoon agree to going to club with the couple? because he can never say no.

the music is blasting extremely loud, the strobe lights happening when the bass drops. the couples dancing, along with the singles dancing to catch someone's attention and a few drunks stumbling around the dance floor. the bar is packed, as well as the smoke area in the back of the club.

the time hits two in the morning, the club closes at three. sehyoon decides to go to the bar and take a shot of the strongest drinks. he hasn't had fun in the three hours that he's been in the club. he thinks to himself, fuck it, deciding to have fun for the last hour.

downing his shot, he shivers. it tastes like menthol and leaves a gross aftertaste. his feet lead him towards a slightly quieter room, with booths surrounding the walls. there's hardly anyone there. the bartender of that room is cleaning up his bar. a couple is making out in one of the booths and he sees two males staring at them.

"that's how im trying to be!" one slurs as he points at the couple.

"junhee, we act like that in our apartment." the person standing next to junhee states.

"im tryna be like that too!" sehyoon butts into the conversation, giggling.

"i just want this ass to get spilt." junhee says, causing the other male to slap his chest.

"like a banana spilt. get someone to peel you back."

junhee laughs, grabbing sehyoon's shoulder to steady his balance so he doesn't fall from laughing. the other male looks at sehyoon, almost apologizing with his eyes before he speaks up.

"sorry about him. he's drunk. im just barely tipsy."

"fuck that shit. im drunk too!" sehyoon says, causing junhee to laugh again.

"im donghun, by the way. that's junhee." donghun introduces the two of them.

"im sehyoon."

"did you come here alone? cause if you did, that's boring as fuck." junhee says.

"no, i came with my friends but im the third wheel."

"me and donghun are a couple too!" junhee exclaimed, pointing to his boyfriend.

donghun walks away from them, towards the bartender. junhee and sehyoon look at him before junhee starts speaking again.

"so, sehyoon, are you gay? straight? bi? pan?"

"gay. the gayest of the gay. im a dick kind of person."

"sehyoon, i like you already!" junhee hugs him, "i haven't laughed this hard all night!"

donghun finally came back to the two, with a can of pringles in his hand.

"bitch, how the fuck?" junhee and sehyoon said at the same time, bursting into fits of giggles.

"the bartender." donghun simply states.

the three pass the pringles around, snacking on it. in all the times that sehyoon has been to this club, he has never been drunk at the club and eating chips.

"why are you so gorgeous?" junhee asks.

"im not gorgeous. im just average looking."

"average looking my ass." donghun rolls his eyes.

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