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Yanan was pacing again.

Yuto decided to not get involved this time since his water bottle played such a big role in this year's angsty romance blockbuster film. The most Yuto did was tell Yanan to get out of his dorm and good luck.

Yanan didn't know what to do with his hands. He switched from biting his nails to rubbing his hands together to shoving them in his pockets and then to shaking them out. He was so fucked.

He finally heard footsteps, that weren't from his pacing, approach him. He swung around and was met with an angry but adorable Junhui. His arms were folded across his chest and he had a very non-intimidating glare but the message was clear. Yanan knew Junhui was furious but what he didn't know was that Junhui was just happy to see him again and that's probably why his "glare" wasn't scary.

Yanan sighed.

"You weren't sleeping?"
Junhui interrupted. Yanan gave him a confused look.
"When I went over to Yuto's, you pretended to sleep?"
Junhui clarified.

Yanan paused a little.
"How did you know?"
Yanan stared, dumbfounded.

Junhui sighed as he let his arms drop to his sides.
"You're an idiot. You texted me right after I left."

Yanan wanted to slap himself. He felt so stupid and that definitely wasn't helping his confidence right now. He might as well get right to it.
"I'm sorry for avoiding you."
Yanan stated. Junhui looked taken aback by the sudden apology but stayed quiet.
"I was too embarrassed to admit what I wanted to tell you that day so I thought it was best to avoid you altogether but I was wrong so I'm sorry."

Junhui's glare faded.

"The same thing I want to tell you today is the same thing I wanted to tell you that day but I was too embarrassed to."
Yanan stated.
"Junhui, I like you."
He watched Junhui's eyes go wide.
"And I would like to know how you feel."
Yanan watched Junhui fiddle with his sweater sleeve and felt an obligation to make everything less awkward.
"Preferably through physical actions."
He joked and watched Junhui chuckled. Junhui walked up to Yanan and kissed him on the cheek.
"I like you too, Yanan."
He smiled. Yanan smiled and nearly collapsed onto Junhui but kept his composure.

"Does that mean were dating?"
Yanan laughed.

"No, you fucktard, you have to ask."
Junhui huffed making Yanan laugh again.

"Then, Jun, do you want to be my.."

"Ew don't fucking ask. It'll make things awkward again."
Junhui stated.


Junhui turned towards the dorms and started walking off.
"Of course we're dating now, idiot."

Yanan smiled and ran up to hug Junhui...well...back-hug anyway.

"Also how dare you watch Mall Cop 2 without me."

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