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Rosemary winced everytime she heard a yelp. It was happening again, and this time it sounded really bad. This all started back when her mother had that miscarriage a few months ago.

Her parents had been trying for a baby for three years before her mother had fallen pregnant. From the moment Rosemary had been born, her dad had wanted another child. Her mother had been a bit reluctant at first, so they held off from trying for almost 4 years and as soon as Rosemary went off to kindergarten her mother agreed.

There was a crash from the kitchen followed by her dad yelling something Rosemary couldn't hear. Her mother yelled something back and then there was silence.

Rosemary didn't move a muscle. She strained her ears and could faintly hear something being dragged along the ground. She frowned, this wasn't how their fights usually ended. With her curiousity peeked, the seven year old carefully climbed out of bed and tip-toed towards her bedroom door. She quietly opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. She froze, her eyes going wide and her mouth open in a silent scream. Laying in the middle of the hall, in a puddle of their own blood, was her dad.

Rosemary didn't know how long she stood there for, but after a while she heard footsteps. She looked away from her dad and saw her mother standing in the hallway entrance, bloody knife in her right hand. "YOU!" She screeched, pointing a bloodied finger at her "This is all your fault!" She continued as she started to walk towards her.

After the miscarraige, her mother did not take it well, turing to alcohol and violence towards Rosemary's dad in response. She also often hit Rosemary when he was not home.

With every step her mother took, Rosemary took one back. After a while she felt her back hit the wall and her arms flung to the sides. She accidentally hit her hand on the door knob on the front door. Rosemary's mother was mere feet away when she suddenly yelped and tripped.

Rosemary, who had closed her eyes in fear, quickly opened them and locked eyes with her dad. His eyes were wide and his face was contureded in pain, but his voice was stern. "Go!" He yelled to her, as her mother started to fling around, trying to kick him. But Rosemary hesitated, she couldn't just leave her dad here alone with her crazy mother. The sound of her dad's voice cut her off. "GO!" he yelled and Rosemary jumped. She fumbled for the door handled and managed to get the door open just as she mother scrambled to her feet.

Rosemary burst out of the house and sprinted down the porch steps. She ran out onto the street and took off down the road, never looking back. As she ran she felt tears start to prickle in her eyes. She had left her dad all alone and he was probably dead. But she couldn't go back now, it was too dangerous. So, with blue eyes shining with tears and short, blonde hair flowing in wind behind her, she continued running, not sure where she was going but with one clear objective, escape.

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