Seo-Yu P.O.V

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     So We both continued to introduce our selves and we kind of have a lot in common. We both like bunnies. We both are 19 (Jungkook isn't really 19, but in this book he will for now). We both have a group of friends who are like a family. And we are also the youngest one of the group.
"Are you hungry, do you want anything" Jungkook asked kindly.
"Oh, no thanks I ate and sandwich before I got here. Wait SHOOT I FORGOT ABOUT MARGO" I ran back to the car to get Margo. As I hurry and got my keys and unlock the car I see Margo just peacefully laying on her back and her paws out. I started tearing up. As I go to pick her up my fingers touching her she just gets right up and starts barking. I started tearing more from joy. I happily picked her up and locked the car doors. As I went inside Jungkook yelled at me.
"STOP" making a stopping hand motion "NO PETS"
As my eyes grew he quickly laughed and said just kidding. I made a cute little pout and playfully hit him.
*DING* All three of us looked where the sound was coming from. Me and Jungkook were shocked.

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