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Closed hazel-yellow eyes. Miniscule smile. A small stature laid beside him, completely asleep. Relaxed like he had never seen. Brown, curly hair cut short and stuck in ponytails, some stray curls finding their way to rest on the girl’s cheek. In his arms was beauty in the form of a love-stricken, caramel-skinned girl. Her beauty radiated in the form of happiness even as she slept. He couldn’t sleep because of her.

This girl in his arms, who was the physical embodiment of beauty, caused his sleeplessness.

God, did he love it.

His eyes trailed over the girl’s sleeping face. Her nose, how it crinkled a little when she got a little cold. Her eyes, which shut tighter at the slightest movement that threatened to take her from her slumber. The small freckles that dotted her face, kind of like the constellations that someone else he knew always seemed to enjoy.

His arms laid around her torso, just barely grazing the soft skin on her back, exposed from her shirt riding up just past her belly button.

Her skin was his favorite. It was soft, somehow, even with the grime that covered it. It was stained with mud, blood, and a million other things, but it still remained soft as ever. He liked her back, especially. You could feel the muscles that defined her, ones she got not by choice, but by the need to survive. Her skin was something he loved more than anything, other than her, of course.

Sunlight shone across the two from the window that was messily boarded up. It was noon, just about, but the two had been lounging around for almost an hour. Not one soul bothered them. Both of them were grateful.

The boy smiled lazily. The afternoon sun warmed his body and caused his own skin to glow like the beautiful girl’s beside him, but in his opinion in a way less glorious way. No one, including him, could match anything she did, intentional or not. She was ethereal. She could never be replicated.

The girl’s eyes snapped shut for a moment as she woke up, the bright light stunning her eyes, which weren’t yet used to the brightness.

“You’re awake,” The male noted, his voice quiet as she woke from her sleep. She nodded silently.

“You were comfortable,” She blurts out tiredly, her arms finding their way around his neck as she pulled him closer. She craved him near; she wished they could stay like this for an entire eternity. Legs intertwined while he tangled his hands in her short, greasy hair, while sunlight warmed them through tiny cracks between the boards that were forever stuck there. Peaceful silence that rang comfortably through the air. It’s what they needed, in all honesty. If Walkers could just go away, it’d be great for the two. They could lay there forever and have not a care in the world.

“Clem? You sorta spaced out there. You’re okay?” The male asked, bringing her out of her thoughts.

“Yeah,” Clem answered, “I just want to lay here forever. But we can’t.”

“I know. Me too,” He sighed, eyes drooping a little as he relaxed. Clementine went silent for a few moments.

“Louis?” She asked the taller male.

“Yeah, Clem?”

“Do you think all this will actually end? Like, one day, all the Walkers in the world will just be… dead?” Clem asked.

“Maybe,” Louis sighed, “Hopefully. I hope that we get to know each other when we’re back in the real world. Imagine that. Living in one place; forever. And trusting you’ll actually be able to fill your stomach.”

“Seems so far away,” Clementine sighed, “Like it happened forever ago and won’t happen ever again.”

“We’ve at least gotta have hope, though, I guess. That’s what keeps Tenn happy like he is.” The male rubbed Clementine’s back softly and sighed after her.

“Yeah. You’re right.” Clementine nodded a little, her eyelids heavy once more.

“Go ahead and sleep for a little while more, Clem. You need it,” Louis blinked, softly kissing her nose.

“You sure? I can stay awake if you’re bored.” Clem offered.

“I’m never bored with you.”

“In that case, goodnight, Lou,” Clementine chuckled a little.

“Goodnight, Clem.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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