[1] Stay With Me

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Wanda's reaction when she found you dying on the ground from your wounds


Wanda had grown close to you over the past few years and considered you to be one of her best friends. However as time passed she started to get feelings for you. Perhaps it was because you were the only person she felt like she could talk to after Pietro died. 

No one quite understood her like you did. You knew her pain, but you also knew her love too. She loved you more than anything. You meant the world to her. Because in her eyes, you were the only thing that kept her truly happy.

So when she noticed that you didn't meet up with her at the rendezvous point like you were supposed to, she began to get worried.  She knew that you would never be late to these sort of things unless something was wrong,

So without wasting another minute, she rushed off to find you. She knew it was a risk considering Steve and Natasha were counting on her to return to battle. But she couldn't find the strength to go on without knowing you were safe first.

Little did she know that you had been swarmed by a group of enemies and were now bleeding out on an isolated street, with only your own cries to keep you company. You didn't think anyone was going to find you because of how far off the map you were.

But Wanda had her special ways. When she eventually found you though tears started forming in her eyes. You were barely breathing and there were bullet wounds all over your chest. Blood flowed into a puddled below your body and you were bleeding out. The pain was indescribable and you knew that your time was coming to an end. 

However as scared as you were about dying, you couldn't help but smile when saw her rush to your side. She was just so beautiful in your eyes and you knew that you had to die, you wanted to do it sitting next to the most beautiful girl in the world. 

You couldn't help but feel relieved as she pulled you into her arms and planted kisses along your face. You eagerly kissed her back and cupped her face in your hands. Her lips always tasted so sweet and you couldn't help but feel consumed every time you kissed her.

After you both pulled away tears started to stream down her face as she tried to use her magic to mend some of your wounds. However because there were so many of them, her magic had very little effect. There was nothing she could do. You were going to die.

You tried to calm Wanda down but it was no use. She was a wreck. She kept trying to heal you even though she knew it wouldn't matter. Then when she noticed that you were starting to get sleepy she fell apart even more.

❝Hey, stay with me.❞ She pleaded to you, still trying to heal your wounds.

❝I want to my love, but  I don't think I can.❞ You responded tiredly, feeling very weak from your wounds.

❝Please y/n. Don't go!!  I need you.❞ She sobbed.

❝I know my love. But don't worry, I'll always be with you.❞ You respond holding the side of her cheek with your hand.

❝But it won't be the same. You won't be here to hold me, or kiss me goodnight, or make love to me.❞  She told you, brushing the hair from your face,

❝I know baby, I know.❞ You say to her sadly, your body starting to go limp.

❝I can't lose you. I'll be lost without you. I'm scared y/n.❞ She cried to you, resting her forehead against yours as your breathing started to slow down.

❝Shhh, don't be afraid baby. It will be alright. You'll find your way.❞ You wept to her, kissing her lips softly. 

❝How do you know?❞ She whimpered, not wanting to let go.

❝Because you're the strongest woman I know. You can get through anything.❞ You responded, trying to hang on for a few more minutes.

The pain was starting to take over you and you could feel yourself going in and out of consciousness. You body was just barely hanging on. Wanda could see you starting to struggle and held onto you tightly. Soft groans escaped you as the last of your blood poured out onto the ground around you.

❝What can I do?❞  She asked helplessly, trying to ease your pain.

❝Promise me one thing,❞ You told her, cupping her face in your hands.

❝Anything!❞ She responded desperately, resting her forehead against yours.

❝Promise me that you'll be happy. You deserve to be happy my love. Promise me that you will be.❞ You said to her, kissing her one last time on the lips.

❝I will y/n. I promise!❞ She cried to you as your eyes started to flutter shut.

❝Good. I love you Wanda. Remember that.❞ You mumbled softly, finally letting yourself go. 

❝I love you too y/n.❞ She wept, holding your body in her arms as your heart finally started to stop. Tears streaming down her face as your chest ceased to move. She tried to shake you a few times but it was no use, you were gone. 

Part of her was screaming on the inside. All she wanted was just one more day, one more moment where she could forget the world around and be safe in your arms. You were what made her truly happy, you were what made her feel truly beautiful.

But now you were just like Pietro  — gone.

Nothing would ever be the same again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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