Chapter 1: Carnival Fun

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~3rd Person POV~

Kirishima walked into the classroom with a bigger grin then normal on this face. He walked over to his desk and pulled out his notebook.

"What's with the excitement Kiri?" Kaminari asked Kirishima, tapping him on the shoulder.

"I dunno know," Kirishima replied. Honestly, it was because of Bakugo. He met Bakugo at the mall yesterday by accident. They had a fun time and talked for a while, so obviously Kirishima would be happier then normal. Not long after, the hot-headed blonde walked into the classroom.

"Morning Bakubro!" Kirishima said waving to Bakugo. Bakugo huffed.

"Morning shit hair," he said with a frown. Kirishima smiled.

"How are you doing?" Kirishima asked Bakugo. Bakugo just ignored the question. Eventually Mr.Aizawa walked into the classroom, and everyone stopped there conversations.

Time skip to the end of school because school sucks

Kirishima walked out of the classroom, behind Bakugo. Kirishima lvied everything about Bakugo, everything. His temper, his smile, his frown, everything. Bakugo could breathe and it would make Kirishima would smile.

"Hey! Bakubro! Wanna' do something?" Kirishima said walking over to Bakugo. Bakugo put his hands in his pockets and leaned against his locker.

"I don't have anything else to do, what do you want to do Hair-For-Brains?" Bakugo asked Kirishima. Kirishima smiled a wide smiled.

"There was a carnival that opened a couple days ago, we could go there!" Kirishima said. Bakugo scoffed.


At the carnival woop woop

Kirishima decided to wear his hair down today, along with a black bandana. He wore a baggy sweater, along with sweat pants. Bakugo wore a black tank top with loose black jeans.

"So where do you wanna' go first?" Kirishima asked Bakugo. Bakugo shrugged.

"Wherever you wanna go shit hair,"

Kirishima smiled, then pointed to a Ferris wheel.

"Can we go on the Ferris wheel!?" Kirishima said, probably a little too exited sounding. Bakugo nodded silently.

Bakugo and Kirishima waited in line for the Ferris wheel and eventually got on. It went up and down. Kirishima felt very relaxed next to Bakugo. Kirishima didn't even realize that his head started to go on to Bakugos shoulder.

~Kirishima POV~

AH! I'm screaming eternally. Bakugo is really warm >///<

It felt like I was about to fall asleep. He didn't seem to react or push me away. I slowly started to drift of to sleep when I fell arms rap around my waist.

Bakugo is holding onto my waist, while I'm resting on his shoulder. I slowly started to drift off to sleep. Bakugo still didn't react, which made me very happy. I wanted him. I wanted Bakugo, a lot.

~Bakugo POV~

Why the fuck is shitty hair resting on my shoulder? We are on a ride, in the air, and he's sleeping. I didn't even notice that my arms just automatically moved around his waist. He slowly drifted off to sleep. It was adorable. I don't think I'll ever admit it, but I fucking love Shitty Hair. It's probably to the point where it's unhealthy. I just liked seeing him happy. Of course, like I said, I won't fucking admit it. Everyone else in class would make fun of me and shit. God dammit. I eternally sighed when the rid ended and I had to wake Kiri up.

"Kiri wake up,"

~Back to Kirishima POV~

"Kiri wake up," I hear Bakugo say as he nudges my face. Kiri? KIRI!? He called me by my actual name?! I blushed and started to get up.

"Sorry for falling asleep! I really didn't mean to!" I said to Bakugo, apologizing what felt like a million times. He just  scoffed. We started walking to the exit of the carnival when I tugged on his shirt.

"What?" He said, his face wasn't angry, but an emotion I can't exactly describe. I pointed to an ice cream truck.

"Ice cream?"

~Holy mother of Bakugo, another perspective change, anyway Bakugo POV~

"Ice cream?" Shitty hair asked me with the sweetest face a human could possibly make. I just nodded then he started pulling me towards then truck.

"I'll pay," Kiri said. I punched his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" Kiri asked my rubbing his arm.

"For saying you have to pay. I'll pay." I said with a stern voice. He just kinda laughed it off.

"What would you like?" I asked shit hair. He smiled.

"Whatever you get,"


I ordered the ice cream and we waited at some picnic tables they had set up. I looked at shitty hair, examining his features. He had eyes that were sharp put soft, a warming smile with a sharp tinge, the sweater he was wearing hid is muscles and skin from the world. Eventually I saw a hand waving in front of me, I recognized the skin tone. It was hair-for-brains.

"Bakubro? Our ice cream is here!" Kirishima said, a smile plastered on his face. That god damn smile. It was the one thing I fucking couldn't handle. We grabbed our ice cream and started eating. Kirishima looked up to me and I looked back.

"Hey, Bakugo, do you have a crush on anyone?" Kirishima asked me. I scoffed.

"Of course fucking not shitty hair," I told him. Yes, it was a big fucking lie, but I couldn't just tell him. We finished and started to leave the carnival. I heard a buzz come from my phone, Kirishima also got a buzz.

'Come to class as soon as possible.'

It was from iida. What the fuck does that engine want? I looked back at Kirishima, I knew by his face that he got the same message.

"We should probably get changed into our uniforms," Shitty Hair said while scratching the back of his hair.


Woop woop one chapter done qwq
I hope you guys liked this uwu

New chapter will be coming out as soon as possible uwu


986 words

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