Leaving the guild

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Lucy's P.O.V.

It's been two weeks since Lisanna came back from Edolas... Since then everyone has been ignoring me, well not everyone. The only one that would voluntarily have a conversation with me was Wendy... It's not that everyone hated me... It's just that they temporarily forgot...My thoughts were interrupted by Natsu walking up to me.
"Um... Lucy, can I talk to you for a sec?" asked Natsu. It hurt a little when he said Lucy instead of his old nickname, Luce.
"Um... Yeah, sure..." I replied, curious to what my friend had to say.
"Okay, Lucy... I don't really know how to break this to you. I... I think that Lisanna should join team Natsu..." muttered Natsu.
"That's great! We get to go on jobs with Lisanna-san!" I replied with excitement that I haven't had in a while.
"Well thing is... Well we are at the limit of members... I'm sorry to tell you this... But you are now no longer part of team Natsu, I hope you understand..." He mumbled, not meeting my eyes.I mustered up all of my happiness and managed a weak smile."Well good luck on your jobs!"
"I-it's okay, you just want to spend more time with your childhood friend I understand..." I replied. My voice cracking at I understand. I turned and ran home. Tears flowed like a river down my cheeks. I arrived home. I ran to my apartment and flung myself onto my bed. I just didn't understand... Why? Why is this all happening to me?
But the sadness soon boiled into anger. The tears stopped. I sat up. I glared at nothing in particular.
How dare they mock me? They tricked me into believing that they were my friends... I believed them. I was so naive to actually think that we could stay how we were... I was stupid... I will not make the same mistake again... I will leave, I will train to become stronger... I will come back and pay them back tenfold... That will teach them to never make mockery of Lucy Heartfillia again!

-------tomorrow ( time skip by penguins... I like penguins, wenk wenk)-----

(Still Lucy's P.O.V.)

I woke up at the sound of my alarm clock I set especially for today I went to the closet, picked my clothes brought a towel and went to shower. And before I knew it I was standing  in front of the guild I pushed the doors open and walked up the stairs to Master's office.

Makarov's P.O.V.

I was reading a "magazine"( * cough cough*)and all of a sudden Lucy burst in, I stuffed the magazine in my desk drawer and asked "What is it my child? " I asked, sweat beading my forehead in fear that she saw what I was reading.
"I'm quitting Fairy Tail," she replied .
"Why?" I asked.
"No particular reason, " she replied but I can see in her eyes that she's hurt.
"Are you sure? If I erase your guild mark you could still come back but... You'll have to stay away for at least 2 years," (That's not true just makarov trying to make her stay...)
"Yep I'm sure, " Lucy replied, this isn't the same Lucy I knew... She would never quit, it was her dream job... I erased her guild mark anyways...
"Oh and nice magazine there," she said with a smirk before leaving the room.

Lucy's P.O.V.

I went outside the guild and went straight to the train station. I bought a ticket to Clover. I actually sort of miss the motion sick Natsu... No, I shouldn't think of him, I need to leave everything behind...

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