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Author's Note: wow! 190 views! Thx a lot guys!XD

Laxus's P.O.V.
I just came back from my mission until I bumped into a hooded girl. I smelled the familiar smell of Strawberry and vanilla. "L-Lucy?" I asked my sister she stayed quiet and walked past me. I grabbed hold of her wrist but she just got out. I think she trained with Aria... As she walked away I went into the guild. I went straight to Makarov after that." Why did you let her leave,"I asked, being deathly calm about this." It was her choice, Laxus," Makarov  replied. "But you know that the queen trusted us with the princess," I replied, still deathly calm. "Yes, I know but that was, until she got her powers back," Makarov said. Lucy wherever you are, I hope you're safe...

Lucy's P.O.V.

I walked towards the guild that disliked Fairy Tail. Finally, I found one... Sabertooth(before the games excuse my logic)I brought my exceed along she gave me half of the money that she won in the bet. And before I knew it I was standing in front of the guild... I opened the door and walked up to a blonde and asked. "Can I join the guild?" He looked at me weirdly "You know how strict this guild is right? Only the strongest could stay... If you want to join then you'll have to fight someone first... " "If you say so." I replied calmly. "How about you fight me then," he said with a smug grin. We went outside and started battling. (Epic battle musicXD) "Holy dragon's roar, "he shouted I dodged it easily I might as well use sleep on him (angel slaying magic) Sleep my little one, go into your dreams and discover things... Lucy chanted while dodging hits. Sting was in midair and then he all of a sudden fell asleep... He landed straight on his face... "And the winner is... The new person!" I don't know if I should keep my identity a secret... But I need to show Fairy Tail that I'm back. "You might be surprised but... I'm Lucy Heartfilla..." Everyone's jaws dropped when they heard me say that. "Great! Lucy you're in and Sting's out, "said an old man. "And who're you to say?" I asked as I snapped my fingers. My Exceed knew exactly what to do." Poison Dragon's roar !"she shouted as a purple swirl came out of her mouth it hit him directly and he fainted "WHAT'D YOU DO TO OUR MASTER!!!!????" Shouted everyone "Calm down... I only poisonedh him." I replied like seriously! At least I didn't use the thing I used on Natsu... "And by the way only I can heal him" I said as I sprouted Angel wings and flew around I was just floating around until I sensed an evil prescience lingering.  I made a portal to where the others are. "If you guys hide me good I'll heal him, "I said giving the poisoned man a disgusted look. "Deal," said everyone at once? Minerva made a bubble for me to go inside then someone came... They were clearly possessed by a spirit, but the human body wasn't strong enough... He started coming towards me and pushing everyone out of his way... I guess I'll have to fight... "DEMON TRANSFORMATION!!!!!" I shouted as I sprouted bat-like wings, my hair turned black and at last my eyes turned blood red.... I flew towards him, ready to attack but he disintegrated...

Lucy's P.O.V.

Don't get the wrong idea I hate Fairy Tail I'm just here to see what their weaknesses are and report to Sabertooth I got my guild mark on the palm of my hand and after that I healed Natsu though he Didn't deserve it "Why's there Lucy's smell!?" he asked immediately when he got fully healed I didn't say anything and just walked away I don't want to talk to any of them because that's how they treated me now I wouldn't even talk to my friends anymore I went on a ton of S-class missions in ten minutes but when I came back I saw a familiar salmon haired boy standing there I tried going past him but he blocked me then at last I flew over him he turned around and said "FIGHT ME!!" Those words gave me a strong sense of déjà vu. But held my emotions in and shook my head "Why? And what's your name?" He asked and with that I walked away he sped in front of me and said, "I'll stay in your way if you don't fight me," I wrote in the air using my fingers and it said 'I don't like to fight you, so go away' with that he got mad " I want a rematch!" With that, I was fed up. I snapped my fingers and Sarah appeared immediately " You can battle me my master doesn't have time for weaklings like you" said Sarah now Natsu was really mad, he grabbed my wrist and pulled my hood off I immediately transformed into Angel transformation and flew away after I was out of sight I turned back and flew to the battle ground * got  a new hooded cape*

Natsu's P.O.V.

I didn't think that was the real her/him...

Lucy's P.O.V
After that whole ordeal, I decided to go back to Sabertooth because being in this guild is giving me extreme déjà vu and I don't like it. I don't want my old feelings to get in the way. But deep down, I sort of miss this guild...


Will his plan work!? Read the next chapter to find out!

Pls don't kill me for cliffhanger! And remember comment, vote read!


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