I go closer and closer. Finally her and my lips met. We give a few passionate kisses and break the kiss. I smiled. "What... Did y/n thought of it?"I asked. "She... Kind of liked it... Even she didn't want to" Elena said. "She...Didn't want to?" I asked her. She nods slowly. "If she didn't want to, u had to..." "She didn't want it at first but then she lets me bc it's you and me not y/n and Martinus or y/n and you" She interrupts me. "Okay. Then its good" I said and hugged her. "Your lips are soft by the way" I added. "Yours to" She says hugging me strongly back. "Come on, I'll show you Marcus and your brother mason" I said. We go downstairs and the boys are sitting at the kitchen table. We stand before them. "Rycker" Marcus said. He knows my wolf's name and now Mason to. "Is that his wolf?" Mason asked Marcus. He nodded. "So, this is Elena. Y/n's wolf." I said."Nice to meet you Elena" Marcus said. She just smiled and laid her eyes on Mason. She smiles like an idiot. Why? "Levi!" She screams and hugged Mason. "Hi sissi" He says. His eyes are darker. So this is his wolf. I growl a bit bc of jealousy even it's her brother. "Wow bro, don't growl. I'm just her brother" Levi said. "So. Your wolves and humans form are brother and sister to?" I asked them. "Yes, the same like yours and Marcus'" Elena said. Well.... Learned something new today to then. The rest of the day we just sit together and watch movies.
WerewolfY/n is the best fight wolf of her pack. She is only 10 but is the best of them all. Her uncle, the alpha of her pack, is very strict but can be very sweet to. Her aunt, the Luna of the pack, is sweet and good hearted. She is always there for y/n and...