Taehyung #1

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I have a long way to go but why am I running in place?
I scream out of frustration but the empty air echoes
I hope tomorrow will be different from today
I’m just wishing


If only he had known. If only he had stopped.

Blood is thicker than water, a wise man said once and he felt that. With his bare hands, he could feel it. This sort of sticky mess.

What does that even mean? Blood thicker than water....

Family connects. The blood you share with your Sisters and Brothers, Mothers and Fathers, Grandparents and cousins, will always connect you to a clan of several different characters loving or hating each other. There's no inbetween.

Family is important because it's permanent. It will never go away, because the blood in your veins comes from the same background.  Let it be Heaven or Hell.

Blood is thicker than water and still we use Water to erase blood.

So if family is blood, and friends are water... That would make them just as important as family when you need them to help you get away from all that blood that intoxicates you and makes you lose yourself.

Water helps cleaning- your mind -your soul- your body.

And just like Taehyung needed water to clean his hands from blood, he needed friends to help him find his old self. He needed them to safe him.


[Ten years earlier...]

"No Tae! These are mine! Give them back!!" a little girl said unsurprisingly crying after her big brother took her favorite color pencils from the table, to draw with them himself.

He wasn't a bad brother though. He loved his sister and from the day she was born, he would do anything for her to be safe and happy. Youjin was 2 years younger than him. Since Taehyung was 8, that made her a total of 6 years old.

That time of the life where school is still very exciting and the only thing she had to remember was that she'll meet her friends for exactly 3 hours. 3 pm to 6pm. Obviously. And she loved that... She loved playing with her friends outside in the green grass that was captured by yellow sunlight and brightly red shining hoola hoop rings and other little molds you build sandcastles with. Or looking for twigs in the bright snow to give your new melting Snowman two arms.

"Too bad that I want to have yellow, blue and green now!" Tae said and stuck out his tongue teasingly.

"You two, stop fighting! Youjin, let Tae have the pencils!" a deep and raspy man voice came up suddenly. You could literally hear the cells of his body dying from too much alcohol when he talked.

"But Dad! I was drawing first!-" "-That's a lie!!! I Was first! You are always copying me!" Taehyung quickly said.

"I don't care who was first!! I said stop fighting! You don't want to listen? Deal with consequences. Youjin, go to your room." Taehyung and Youjins dad was very strict... Not even the alcohol could calm him down. It only made it worse, that's why he needed more and more of it.

Without any other word Youjin left the room and went upstairs, quietly sobbing.

"Taehyung come here. Now"

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