The Labor Pains Lesson

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Author's Note: Hey guys, enjoy this little short story I thought of a few dyas ago. ((Ships include Aleheather and Courne))

"Heather, how bad can labor pains possibly be?” Alejandro asked his girlfriend as they sat next to each other on the couch. Snuggled together in a blanket during late autumn, somehow they had made their way to the subject of pregnancy, which Alejandro was excited for, while Heather detested the very thought of and gave him 20 reasons of why that was such a bad idea. “Are you kidding me? Going into labor would seriously be some of the worst pain I could go through, and I’ve been through plenty enough already, thank you very much.”

Alejandro chuckled, “Are you telling me that it would be even more painful than what we went through on Total Drama?” Looking him dead straight in the eyes, Heather said, “Yes.

Scoffing, Alejandro asked “I just don’t understand how it can be so painful, women have given birth to children for centuries, and even if the pains were that bad, why don’t women just stop giving birth?” Heather only glared at him for the obvious answer to such a stupid question. “You know why!” Heather yelled annoyed, as she slapped his arm half-threateningly and half-playfully. Shielding himself, Alejandro laughed, “And besides, men can go through pain probably just as bad as childbirth,” Glaring at him, Heather asked “Oh yeah and what exactly would that be?” “…perhaps getting kicked in the groin area? And I know first hand how painful that can be thanks to you.” Heather slightly cringed, “Yeah… right”. Alejandro wasn’t exactly mad about that little fact anymore, but it made for a good way to guilt Heather sometimes, besides he actually enjoyed kissing her too much to really mind anymore.

“Well, I still think labor pains is the worst pain you can feel, despite genders.” Heather retorted back. Sighing, Alejandro simply said “Fine fine, you are right…” just so they wouldn’t have to fight over it. He still fully believed in his mind that what he said was true, labor pains are not that painful but unfortunately, Heather could hear the lie in his words. “You don’t think I’m right! Do you? And don’t even try to lie again! I can tell you know!”

“Heather please, I don’t want to fight about this anymore,” Alejandro said, “can’t we just forget about it?” Sitting up and crossing her arms, Heather replied “No, we can’t, and I’ll prove how bad labor pains can be.” Getting up, Heather quickly threw on a coat and boots, grabbing cellphone and purse. “Where are you going?” Alejandro asked as Heather opened the front door of their apartment, hoping to coax Heather into staying and cuddling with him for the rest of the evening. “Just going out to find a way to show you how wrong you are, nothing that should be even remotely hard to do.” Heather said behind her back as she walked out, locking the door behind her.

Okay, if I was a way to show how right I am, and also a way to work as revenge too, what would I be? Unfortunately, Heather didn’t exactly have an answer, but she knew someone who could. Getting cellphone out of purse, Heather scrolled to the C’s on her phone and looked until she found one certain former C.I.T.

An hour later, Heather was waiting inside the Caffeine Cafe, waiting for Courtney to show up. When Heather explained her situation, Courtney was more than ready to help, apparently she and Jośe were having a similar argument at their place, and Courtney had headed out to cool down for a bit. Heather stared at her cup of coffee wondering where Courtney was. It’s getting pretty late, and this is weird since Courtney is never late for anything. Heather thought to herself. Suddenly the bell on the door rang open, and she looked up to see Courtney walking in. Waving her arm up, Courtney spotted her and headed to her table with what appeared to be a laptop case.

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