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Jaemin was driving back home, it was pouring down rain and he just got the location of his lover. Jeno was just outside his house, and he couldn't believe it.

Jaemin then pulled up in his driveway, and his eye instantly caught sight of a small shivering figure infront of his door. Jaemin instantly got out of the car, not caring about the rain, and ran to the soaked boy.

"Jeno!" Jaemin yelled out and the said boy instantly turned as he stared at Jaemin with glossy eyes. He'd been crying. Jaemins heart twisted at the sight.

"Jeno- oh my god you look so cold-" Jaemin started.

"I'm sorry!" Jeno yelled out and Jaemin was taken back by the sudden apology.

"What- Jeno what are you-"

"I'm sorry for coming back!" Jeno cried out as tears ran down his cheek, the rain washing them away. "I'm sorry for ruining your relationships and with you being the leader Mafia I'm sorry for always being in your way- I'm such a burden and I can't help it. I love you Jaemin I always have and I just can't-"

Jeno was cut off as he was pulled into a needed kiss. Lips on lips, Jeno stopped talking and let Jaemin embrace him in a tight hug, kiss not breaking. Jeno wrapped his arms around Jaemins neck, and then they finally pulled away; staring into each other's eyes.

"I love you so much Jeno. I do- and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me and Erin- but it meant nothing! Any of it! Because when I look at you- all I see is you. My true love, my future-" Jaemin choked out as he was on the verge of crying. "My whole world." He whispered and he cupped Jeno's cheek with his hand and they leaned on each other's foreheads.

"I love you Lee Jeno, and you only. Nobody can take that away from me." He whispered and Jeno felt his heart pang at every word that left Jaemins mouth.

"I love you too." He said as he embraced Jaemin again, and they hugged.

The rain came pouring down harder, and Jaemin instantly gripped Jeno inside his house, as the boy was shivering and shaking, soaked in water.

"Let's go change, then we can spend the whole night together, and tomorrow. Ok?" Jaemin whispered, and Jeno nodded as he and Jaemin went upstairs.


A few hours later, they were sitting in the large living room, watching a movie. Jeno was curled up on Jaemins chest, sitting between his legs. Jaemins arms were encircled around Jeno's waist.

Not even before the movie could end, Jaemin heard soft breaths on his ear, and he slowly looked over to see a sleeping Jeno. His lips were in a pout and Jaemin cooed.

"You big baby." Jaemin whispered as he brushed the boys hair out of his face. The boy did nothing but make a little noise from the action, and fell right back into a deep sleep.

Jaemin smiled as he turned off the tv and lifted Jeno bridal style; as carefully as possible to not wake the boy up; and took them to his room. Jaemin then gently laid the boy down and covered him in large blankets.

Jaemin then joined him in bed, and embraced Jeno. He gave a sigh of relief as Jeno leaned into his touch, almost eager for Jaemins warmth. Jaemin slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep caressing the boys hair.

One thought on mind.

"He remembered me."


The End


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