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"Okay, so we need..." Simon reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, opening up a note app. "Milk, eggs, bread, vanilla ice cream and some snacks." The blonde concluded, shooting a small smile towards JJ. The shorter of the two began to walk forward, tugging Simon along by the wrist.

Simon didn't bother to protest and allows his slender body to be dragged all around the empty shop. Jide grabbed onto some of his old favourite snacks but then he paused, staring forward with a blank face. "What is it, JJ?" Simon aske quietly, not wanting the employees to think he's bat shot crazy. "Why is the milk in bags." Simon blinked a couple times before quickly covering his mouth to withhold his giggles.

Simon gently led JJ over to the milk and reached in with his hand to pull up the blue bag. "Its not as weird as you may be thinking. It actually has 3 little bags in it that you cut the corner off of and put in a little jug of sorts." Simon explained through small giggles.

Jide scoffed, "Why not just put it in the jug." "Don't ask me, man." Simon shrugged, heading towards the bread.


"So only one of your mates can see you? That's...that's weird." Gee mumbled, scratching the back of her neck lightly. "That is pretty odd." Freya added, examining Josh with her eyebrow quirked upwards. "Yeah, he can make us move to him and away from him whenever he pleases too. I'm trying to think about it as logically as possible but it just doesn't add up in any way."

Josh rubbed his eyes as he pulled one knee up to his chest, the other leg tucked under the hill of his raised leg. Talia smiled sympathetically and placed a hand onto Joshs shoulder, giving a light squeeze. "Its alright. We'll figure it out. Maybe it's something you and the guys have to work on, and not Simon. Or possibly your only connection to this world, as of now, is Simon." Talia started to ramble to herself again, eyes glazing over as she thought and spoke out loud. 

"And there she goes." Gee giggles, waving a hand in front of Talias face. "Talias thought mode has been enabled." Gee continued to giggle.

Josh smiled a bit but considered what Talia was saying. Maybe it was the boys who needed to do something for Tobi to see them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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