Summer- Chapter 1

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"Camila, baby its time to get up and ready!" I hear my mom say standing in my doorway. I groan and pull the covers over my head. "Come on you are going to be late!"

I slowly stand up and make my way to the bathroom. Once I get there I look in the mirror and sigh. Today is my first day of my senior year. It's kind of a bitter sweet situation because you know it's school which means getting up early, homework, teachers, studying, and the worst part, leaving my sister. But in a way, I am happy to go. This summer has been really really rough for my family and I'm happy that's it's coming to an end. My little sister Sofi was diagnosed with cancer right before school got out.

I take my shower and get dressed in dark blue skinny jeans, my Ed Sheehan shirt, and converse. Of course I added my touch that I always wear, a bow. This one is just plain ole black but sits on a head band kind of thing. I put on the minimal amount of makeup I wear and head downstairs to eat breakfast.

"She's awake!" My mom says sarcastically.

"Good morning to you too mom." I say in the same tone. Mom comes over with a plate of eggs and bacon.

"Thank you." I say smiling.

She just smiles back and leaves the kitchen doing who knows what. It feels weird that Sofi isn't up getting ready to go to school with me. It's really quiet and I'm not liking it. I finish getting ready and make sure I have everything I will need. I decide to go into Sofi's room to tell her bye, but not wake her up. When I walk in she is facing the wall so I can't see her face. I stand and watch her for a couple of seconds before kneeling down in front of her to kiss her forehead.

"Bye Sofi. I'll be back later." I whisper.

Her head turns and she looks at me confused, "Where are you going?"

"I have to go to school, remember? But I promise when I get back we can play."

"Can we watch a movie? I'm tired today."

I smile slightly, "If you are still tired when I get back we can watch a movie. Tell you what. We can do anything you want when I get home."

"Anything?" She asks getting excited.

"Anything. But make sure it will be fun okay?" She nods. "Alright I have to go now. Bye sofi." I lean forward and once again kiss her forehead.

"Bye sissy. "

I stand up and turn around to leave. When I hear her voice again, "I love you."

I turn back around and smile, "I love you too. I'll seen you soon okay?" She just nods and turns back around to go back to sleep.

When I get back into the kitchen to grab my keys my dad is drinking his coffee.

"Bye dad. Have a good day at work."

"Bye baby. Did you say bye to your sister?" He asks but he knows the answer. Me and sofi have always been close and I would never leave without telling her goodbye. Especially in her condition now. I nod. "Ok. Love you."

"Love you too. Tell mom I said bye."

I head out the door and to my car. I sit down in the drivers seat and put my seat belt on. That's the first thing I ever do when I get into a car because I that little strip was the reason I am alive today. The police said if I would've not been wearing it when I was hit I could have flown out the windshield and been killed at the impact when I hit the ground. I put the key in the ignition and start the car. Demi lovato starts playing and I then it up louder. I pull out of the drive way and drive the 10 minutes to get to school.

As I pull into my usual parking spot I see my group of friends sitting on a bench talking to each other. Dinah and Ally were, as always, On their phones. Most likely texting their boyfriends. Lauren and normani were laughing at who knows what. I get out of the car and make my way towards my friends.

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