Demons attack

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Akane walks to the gate wanting to get out for a bit. She made sure no one saw her so she can be alone for a bit. When Akane got out of the gate she started to run so the guardians don't follow her. After a while, she looked back and made sure she was in the clear.

Akane took a long walk coming near a forest. Looks around seeing a lake goes near it and sits down. "I know I'm going to be in so much trouble when I get back to the palace. I just wanted to clear my mind for a little while." Akane came to this world to save this city and the people in it. Akane stayed at the lake for a very long time just looking at the water.

When Akane realized the sun was going down she knew she has to get back to the palace fast. So Akane gets up and runs to the palace. The moment Akane gets to the palace all of the guardians were happy to see that she's safe but very upset that she didn't tell anyone she was leaving. "Miko-dono where have you been this whole time and why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" Yorihisa looked very worried.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to clear my mind. I didn't realize it was getting so late." "Remember Miko you're very important to us and if anything were to happened to you all of us would be lost." Akane looks at Takamichi then puts her head down. "I didn't mean to worry everyone." Yasuaki looks at Akane "Miko next time have one of us with you." Once Akane was safe the guardians went back home.

Next morning Akane leaves her room and sees Yorihisa guarding her as always. She knew the guardians were just trying to protect her from harm.

"Yorihisa I'm truly am sorry about last night it won't happen again." Yorihisa looks up at Akane and kneels "Miko-dono my duty is to protect you from harm. I promise with this sword." Akane looks and smiles "thank you Yorihisa."

"Akane-chan are you okay? You seem to stress and that's not like you." Shimon sat next to his friend. "Yes, I'm fine Shimon just a little tired." Shimon grabs Akane by the hand "come with me Akane-chan." Akane wonders where Shimon was taking her. When they got to the place Shimon let go of Akane's hand.

"Look Akane-chan whatever is clouding your mind just know you can always tell me or the others. I know they'll listen to you," Akane looks at Shimon and just smiles at him "Thank you, Shimon, I feel a lot better from that coming from you." Giving Shimon a hug.

"Isn't this nice the Miko and a guardian talking together. How sweet." Shimon and Akane looked up and sees five demons surrounding them. "Miko you shall come with us." Shimon stands in front of Akane "Akane-chan isn't going anyway." With that Shimon used his powers and attack the demons.

Shimon powers aren't strong enough without Inori. "Akane-chan" Shimon grabs her hand and starts to run. "We won't let you escape Miko." With that Akane trips seeing the demons getting closer. A beam of light came at the demons. When Akane saw who did that she was happy to see Yasuaki.

"Yasuaki-san." He looks at Akane making sure she was all right. "Miko are you all right? Can you stand?" Yasuaki helps Akane up from falling. Then he looks at Shimon. "You shouldn't have gone this far with Miko by yourself!"

The five demons are still going after Akane not giving up. "We will have Miko just you wait!" Yasuaki glared at the demons and stopped them. "Begone demons and never return. You hear me?" With that, Yasuaki took off his chin aiming at the demons. "We will be back for the girl just you wait."

Akane tried to walk but notice she hurt her leg pretty bad. "Ouch" Yasuaki picks up Akane so she wouldn't walk on her leg and took Shimon and her back home.

Yasuaki exam's Akane's leg making sure it wasn't broken. He looks up at Akane with a worried look. "Miko?" "Yasuaki-san please don't be too angry with Shimon. He was only trying to cheer me up." "Sorry, Miko I yelled at Shimon." Akane hugs Yasuaki shaking a little. Yasuaki hugs Akane back knowing he could have lost the most important person in his life.

(Part 2 coming soon)

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