A date with... Howzer?!

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*Diane's POV*

The next morning came and am on a mission to find Howzer. I'm going to see if he wants to go on a date with me.

Life without King has been awful. I miss him so much. Maybe Howzer can fill that void. I have decided that I will try to forget about King and focus on Howzer.

I have decided that I need to find Howzer. Something inside me is burning to find him and be with him suddenly.
After about 20 minutes of frantic searching, I found Howzer with Gilthunder and Griamore. They are looking over a book and seem to be in a deep conversation about what they're looking at, and I hear Gilthunder say "this looks like the mark on Meliodas." I can tell it's important and I shouldn't interrupt but I want to talk to Howzer really bad.
Do I knock or walk away?? I'm going to knock.

Very gently I knock on the door trying to not surprise them. "Howzer are you busy right now?" I gently say knowing he is but hoping he says no.

All the men look up quickly, "oh hey Diane. No I'm not too busy right now. Did you need something?" Howzer says looking at the other two.

"Well I was hoping you and I could get lunch together. Elizabeth is busy with Meliodas and I'm not sure if I even know where Merlin is.. I hear there is this wonderful place that just got rebuilt right out side the castle" I say while swaying side to side trying to look cute and innocent.

"Oh sure! I'm always down for some good food! Gil, Griamore wanna join us?" Howzer asks excitedly not realizing that he was just asked out into a date. I start to frown not trying to let anyone see me, but Gilthunder does and gently smiles and shakes his head.

"Nah you and Diane go, Griamore and I will stay and look over some more books. Have fun" Gilthunder says with a big smile.

"But I'm.." and that's all Griamore got out before Gilthunder elbowed him in the ribs. "Nevermind. We will stay here."

*Right outside the new bakery Devil's Delight*

"You've lived in this kingdom your whole life, have you ever been here?" I ask him sheepishly

"Nah. This place just came around a few months before the attack on the kingdom so I didn't have time to try it out." Howzer says while grabbing my hand. "Come on, let's go try it." He pulls me forward to the door of the building.

Once inside we stop, I look around and take in the atmosphere. It smells of fresh made bread and cookies. The smell is enough to make someone start drooling. The lights are dimly lit with only lanterns lighting the room. The tables are spaced pretty far out and are designed for two people. It's very intimate in here. This might be more intimate than I expected. I wanted a date but I don't want him to think I'm in love with him.

As we find a seat, he still doesn't let go of my hand. "So what are you wanting to try?" He asks in almost a whisper while keeping eye contact.

I blush a deep red and look away, "um. A nice sweet roll would be great! And some vanya ale if they have any." I say quickly and slightly like a whisper.

Howzer goes to the counter and orders for us. While he waits for the food, he keeps looking back at smiling at me. I'm starting to think that Gilthunder and Griamore should have come with. I'm starting to panic about this date.

When he gets back he sets our food and drinks down, moves his seat next to mine and starts eating. "Man, Gilthunder is going to be so jealous! This cheesecake is the best ever! It's his favorite food too. How is your sweet roll?" He was talking so fast I barely caught he asked me a question.

"Oh, it's great! It's super sweet and the cream filling tastes like vanilla. Wanna try a small bite?" I look at his cheesecake hoping he offers the same thing to me.

"Yes please! It looks so good! Want some of mine too? We can share as much as you like." He says with a wink and a smirk. He takes his fork and holds his bite up to my mouth offering to feed it to me. I slowly open my mouth and he gently puts his fork in my mouth. My face is starting to get more red and my heart is starting to race. After taking the bite off his fork, I cut a small piece of my sweet roll and offer to him feed him as well.

After a little while of eating our own food and feeding each other we realize we're completely out of food and our drinks and barely noticed. "Well I've had so much fun, but I need to be getting back to the boar hat. It's time for me to start work, it will be the dinner rush soon and Elizabeth will definitely be needing my help." I say suddenly feeling sad that my time with Howzer is over.

"Let me walk you back, I'm not ready to say goodbye yet" he grabs my hand again and leads us out and towards the boar hat.

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