Day 7: Wedding Day

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*Ties in with Day 1 and Day 4. There is a whole pinterest board dedicated to this day, I may have gone a little overboard. The link for the pinterest board without the spaces -
www . .uk / kirstyh1995/ fremione-wedding/*

The day had arrived. Hermione was about to become Mrs Fred Weasley and she couldn't be more excited. They had decided to get married at the beach at Shell Cottage where he had proposed during the family picnic and the reception would be at the Burrow. Mrs Weasley had been getting the back garden ready for the past 2 days.

The couple had been separated for the past couple of days now and they both just wanted to see each other tradition be damned. Hermione was at the Burrow and would remain there until they had to leave for the wedding while Fred was at Shell Cottage and would be getting ready there.

*At Shell Cottage*

"Fred calm down," George sighed.

"I need to see her George," Fred continued to pace up and down, "What if she's changed her mind? What if I'm not a good husband and she leaves me for forever!"

George rolled his eyes and sent a stinging hex at his panicking twin's arse. Fred yelped and glared at George as his twin laughed.

"Hermione loves you with everything she has. There is no way she isn't marrying you," George soothed.

Fred nodded and took a deep breath, "Alright. I'm good."

*At the Burrow*

"I am so ready for this," Hermione smiled.

"I should hope so," Ginny teased, "We don't need you running away."

"Haha very funny," Hermione threw a pillow at Ginny.

"Hey," Ginny pouted, "I was just saying."

"I just can't wait to see him," Hermione sighed dreamily, "I've missed him so much."

Ginny rolled her eyes at her best friend, "I'ts only been two nights and a day."

"It feels like it's been a year," Hermione pouted, "Anyway just wait until it's you and Harry."

Ginny blushed a brilliant red, "Well the quicker we get you ready the quicker you can see him."

"Ok. Let's do this," Hermione nodded determinedly.

Ginny started on Hermione's make up while Fleur concentrated on Hermione's hair and Luna focused on Hermione's nails. The end result was stunning.

Her make up gave her a natural glow. Ginny had decided on a light pink gloss that tasted like strawberries and a matching light pink blush. For Hermione's eyes Ginny had chosen a silvery white eye shadow with eyeliner and mascara. Hermione loved it.

For Hermione's hair Fleur had pulled hair from the sides of Hermione's head into an elaborate twist that met at the back into a fishtail style plait with a white lacy clip covered in pearls and silver flower embellishments. But knowing how much Fred loved Hermione's hair down and how much he loved to play with it Fleur had left most of the back of Hermione's bouncy natural curls flowing.

For Hermione's nails Luna had chosen to paint little white flowers with a gold dot in the centre on the end of each nail. The white flowers had been painted over a layer of clear nail polish that made Hermione's nails shine.

Hermione loved it all.

They had decided that Ginny, Luna and Fleur would get ready before helping Hermione into her beautiful wedding dress.

Day 7: Wedding DayWhere stories live. Discover now