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Alex's outfit
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Carlos's outfit
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I was getting for the first day of high school. I was nervous I got more nervous because I seen this two hot boys standing next to the bus stop. They waved I looked behind me to see who they were waving at and they were waving to me so I waved back.
Alex:Hey cutie come here! I nervously walked to him Alex: hey im Alex whats your name hot stuff? Y/n: im y/n Carlos: hey y/n im Carlos Alex: your going on this bus cutie? Y/n: yea why? Alex: just asking Carlos: wanna be friends with us? Y/n:sure
On bus
Alex: sit next to me Y/n: okay He puts his hand in your thigh You look at him Alex: whats wrong cutie? Y/n: nothing He slowly puts his hand in your inner thigh and makes you wet you notice he had a boner Y/n: are you okay? Alex: yes why wouldnt I cutie
We got to school and he moved his hand we got off the bus Carlos: are you okay y/n? Y/n: yes why Carlos: just asking You and Alex have 1st period together he sat next to you right at that moment this girl named Ona pushed me off my chair your on the floor Alex: WTH ONA?! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?! Ona: nothing babe Alex: I BROKE UP WITH YOU YEARS AGO LET IT GO!! Alex goes to you and helps you Alex: are you okay y/n? Y/n: yes *Skip class* You were leaving class as you felt someome grab your ass you turned around it was Alex he whispers in your ear Alex: go to my house after school Y/n: okay