Chapter 12

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(Three Days Grace - Get Out Alive)


       mention of drugs and death

Third POV

Alcor slowly opened his eyes revealing them to be as black as a moonless night. The aura rolling off him only of death and destruction.

With a slight twitch of his wrist the chains suspending him in the air snap like a twig, sending him towards the ground and his blindfold disintegrating. Him landing on his feet, with a grace that a child of his age couldn't achieve.

Alcor was no longer Alcor.

His mind was blank but hazy at the same time. Nothing seemed to be controlling him but his raw magic's own thirst for violence and bloodshed.

No matter who's it might be.

And with no other thought, he strode out of the abandoned building to find his first victim.

Bill's POV

I was sitting at a café across the street from the Hall with my family, as I impatiently tapped my fingers and foot at a fast pace.

"Bill! Would you stop that?" Jill scolded me as she began petting Scourge at my side.

"I'm sorry." I whined back, stopping my tapping. "I'm just worried about Pinetree."

"He'll be fine Bill. We've all been through it, the only thing that dangerous in there is your own memories."

"That's what worries me." I whispered to myself as I looked down, but she heard.

"What do yo-" She was stopped as Pinetree's presents disappears.

I stood so fast that my bar chair tumbled to the ground, creating a loud, startling crash as I raced out of the coffee shop and slammed into the Hall's doors.

The Hall was empty.

I roared and punched the wall, leaving the poor wall spiderwebbed with cracks.

My family ran in soon after. My brother immediately going to something on the floor and picked it up, staring at it and giving it a little sniff.

Will looked at us with wide eyes and whispered one word; "Carvel."

Carvel; named after the creature that invented it. Basically, cocaine x100, targeted towards your magic and brings out the violent side effects to the max, resulting in lethal killing machines. It's responsible for killing hundreds, if not thousands of demons when it first was released. And if not expelled from the body in a certain amount of time will almost always lead to death.

We all froze at the name that Will uttered, all thinking of the worse outcome of what a veil of that deadly drug was doing in here.

Panicking, I sniffed the air, getting Alcor's scent and another's that I can't recognize.

"FiNeD hIm ScOuRgE." I demanded, my voice going demonic as I took the syringe from Will and examined it. I paled more when I saw a faint ring around the 20 ml mark.

Oh, were all dead.

Third POV

The young demon, covered in the multi-colored blood of other demons - now staining his fine clothes a dark shade of black - grew bored of the dimension he was in.

Don't get him wrong, he loved the sound of a powerful creature such as a demon begging for his non-existent mercy and the screams they emit as his claws and magic rips into them, tearing their inside out.

But he was simply bored with it already. He wanted something new, something the same but... a little more... alive.

Making up his mind, he randomly teleported to a new dimension where new play things awaited.

Sorry for the short chapter, need to build some suspense. 

Word Count; 590

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