1**My Brother's Best Friend

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My brother Mark and I have been in Australia for about 6 months, and we decided to go live in England... well, I did. I just begged my brother if we can live there.

Now that I think about, Mark said his best friends live in England. We arranged to stay with one of his best friends, Jack until we got a place. From what I've heard-and seen, thanks to YouTube (no I don't have a YouTube account, I use my brother's)-he seems cool... and sexy...

My thoughts were disturbed when Mark said, "Come on, Sydney. Stop thinking about Jack and let's go to the airport."

I blushed, how did he know I was thinking about Jack?

Okay, forget that. I'm kinda starting to wonder why I was called Sydney. "Mark, do you know why I was named Sydney?"
"Well, we were in Sydney when you were born, mom and dad loved the city and the name Sydney, and your first word without even trying straight after you were born was Sydney. That just about sums it up, I guess."
I laughed a bit, "I guess it did!"

Le Time Skip Cuz
I'm A Lazy Fuck

We were on a plane for god knows how long, and Jack was in the airport to pick us up. When Jack and Mark were closer they hugged, and I stood there unsure what to do.

"How've you been, Jackaboy?" Mark asked Jack.
"Pretty good! I think I finally got control over you-know-who."
"Good to know, Seán! That's an achievement."
Mark then introduced me, I started blushing as did Jack. "This is my little sister, Sydney. Sydney, this is Seán, better known as Jack."
Mark somehow knew I liked Jack, I hoped he didn't make things awkward. "Hi..." I said, shyly.
"Hi..." he said shyly too.

Mark assumed Jack's girlfriend was in the car, but she wasn't. "Hey, Jack? Where's Signe?"
"Oh, she's at work... apparently." He muttered apparently, and that's when I started to worry about his relationship.

Eventually we made it to Jack's apartment after singing and talking for, what, half an hour? Maybe an hour? Mark walked up to a guy who sat on the porch and hugged him.

"Haven't seen you in forever, Felix! How are you?"
"Pretty good! Jack told me about... you-know-who, I feel bad for him."
"Trust me, we're working on him."
I walked up to them. "You must be Sydney! Mark told me all about you. I'm Felix, by the way."
"Aren't you PewDiePie?" I asked, curiously.
"Yeah..." he laughed nervously.
"I'm gonna go help Jack unload the car," I said as I walked to Jack's lime green Ford Raptor (I don't care if they don't have it, they do now you can hate me all you want I don't fuckin' care) and helped him unload whilst getting to know him better.

"You didn't tell her, did you?" Felix asked me.
"She already knows about Darkiplier, she doesn't need to know about them yet."
"She's gonna find out sooner or later, Mark. You need to tell her, or she's gonna find some bloody shit in the kitchen when she wakes up tomorrow."
"I can't tell her, Felix. If I do, she's gonna want to help, and I don't want to lose my little sister. It's just... we already lost our mom from cancer and our dad from a car accident. I don't want her to be next."
"She'll definitely be the next with god knows how many alter egos if you don't tell her, or someone to do it for you." He was obviously hinting something-WAIT HE DOESN'T MEAN-
"Wait, you don't mean-"
"Yes. If she finds out about him the next time he takes over Jack, we're screwed. So tell her, or get Jack to." Felix walked inside as I thought for a moment.

I walked inside and saw Jack panicking. Sydney was upstairs in her room, most likely unpacking, and Felix was either watching TV or recording a new video.

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