25: Calling you

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Yuna's POV

I haven't once witnessed Hwang Eunbi not picking up my calls until now. Should I call again? She could be busy. But then again, she would tell me if she was busy when she picked up her calls.

I sigh and my breath hits my arm as I set down my phone to the side of my bed. I honestly don't know what I should do with Jungkook and Seokmin. I could see them being friends if I didn't get in the way.

Am I really just the problem of the whole situation? Should I just back off and move to another school? I'd be such a coward then, wouldn't I?

Am I to blame? Is there anyone really to blame for this unfortunate situation? I made a decision already. I chose Seokmin over Jungkook. So why am I still looking back on it?

Ruminating and recalling to when I met Jungkook, I absolutely despised him for aggravating me and giving me attention. I wasn't used to it.

I coincidentally became his partner for a group project and went to his house. He showed a picture of him and I to every one in the class. He walked me home on a rainy day. I gave him banana milk during P.E.

He tended my wounds when I tried skipping stairs. We hung out during spring break and went shopping. He showered me with gifts. He confessed to me. Lastly, Jungkook's embrace when he'd pull me in.

His embrace brought me warmth. It made me feel secure. And what did I do amidst the whole thing? I rejected him. I broke his heart. His bunny smile, with his two front teeth subtly sticking out, is made into a frown.

Jungkook stayed with me this whole time while Seokmin was still in America. He made me feel alive again. Everything suddenly became beautiful when the sunlight hit his face.

With Seokmin, we just easily connected. But we were kids then, so would it still be the same even now? I need to pick between the two. It'll be extremely painful.. but I can't give one a prolonging hope.

I choose..

"DING DONG, YUNA OPEN THE DOOR." The sudden yell made me jump. Was that Eunbi? I get up and move from my bed to the front door. Before I even got to the door knob, Eunbi swings it open.

"ARE YOU OKAY? I GOT YOUR CALL AND I CAME HERE AS FAST AS I COULD." I glanced at Eunbi's outfit as she was inhaling and exhaling heavily. She was wearing clothes that she wouldn't normally wear.

"If you were busy with.. Hoseok, you didn't have to come. Plus, please answer your phone next time so that I can know about your whereabouts—"

"I'M ALREADY HERE YUNA, JUST CHILL." Eunbi lets herself in as she slams the door behind her. Before I could say anything, she runs to me as her arms fly around me.

"Yuna, no matter where I'm at, I will come to you when you need me. You're my precious unnie, and you'll always come first before anyone else. Besides my parent of course. And Hoseok.. he's just a cheese grater okay? BUT THAT IS BESIDES THE POINT. I'm here now, so talk."

Right after hearing her words, I just break down. I haven't been the best with treating people yet the people around me have been so kind to me. I don't deserve the people I have around me. I don't get how I've come to meet them.


I chuckle a bit as I hold her tight. "I'm not going to let you go then."

"You should really hear yourself Yuna, you sound so cheesy it's so unlike you. I'm the one who is supposed to squeeze you to death, but instead you're doing my job."

"Well I'll probably only be cheesy for today. Can I tell you what's going on now?" I finally let her go, sniffling my congested nose.

"Well, I've been waiting. Why do you think I'm here?"

"To make fun of me."

"Well that's NOT trueeee. Maybe next time since I can tell that you're pretty.. uh.. let's go to your room and talk shall we?" Eunbi takes my arm and drags me to my room.

"It's been a while since I've been in here!" she flops backwards into my bed. "You're always going to my house, so I barely get a chance to see this place."

"You probably just want to be here because my bed is comfy." I sit on my bed next to my dongsaeng who's laying down casually.

"AGAIN, that is NOTTT trueee. Why don't you start talking now?" Eunbi makes snow angels on my bed as the creases of my bed move side to side.

"Hmm.. well, Seokmin came back." I expected her to be shocked and exclaim, 'WOW, THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE CAME BACK WHILE YOU'RE HAVE THE.. STUFF WITH JUNGKOOK.' but she doesn't.

"And that's what's getting in the way of you and Jungkook?" She remains calm as my heart is continuously beating out of my chest.

"I wouldn't say that.."

"Then what would you say?"

The silence filled the air quickly as she exchanged it with another question.

"Okay, how about this. Who is the first person you think of when you think of love?"

I think of..

"Now, you don't have to tell me." Eunbi interrupts my thoughts. "I want you to keep that to yourself. But what I want you to do is when you're ready, tell Seokmin how you really feel about him."

"How do you know if I chose—"

"It's not good to leave one hanging while you actually love the other person. I'll be here and support your decision till the end. You got this Yuna."

Do I really got this? I play around with the ring that's around my neck as I think about this.

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