chapter 7

36 2 1

Mia's pov

"Mia when exactly are you leaving? " Harper said arching a perfectly carved brow as she strode into my office, dropping a set of manila folders as she she reached my table.

Looking up from what I was doing, my brain now registered what Harper had said.

"why are you looking at me like that? "

"because Harper I told you to pack a week ago and we will be heading to England a week before the winter ball begins... " I  said looking at her skeptically.

"you never told me that. I would remember if you did"

" when was the last time you checked the ever piling messages on your office pho-"

" but how could you  send such important message to my office phone what about m-"

" emails, message box, instagram.... need I go on? "now it was my turn to look at her with one brow raised,  trying to keep my amusement  at bay.

"wait so... We leave in two days! !"
Making a perfect u-turn Harper was out of my office headed home to pack while she kept mumbling how she was gonna murder me on the plane with her  bare hands and something about....wet sock? " .Thats Harper for you unorganized, lazy, forgetful but all to lovable .


The plane ride was a six hour journey which left me with back cramps and a stiff neck . Planes just... never were my things, and unlike Harper I was a walking ball of  annoyance  and pain.

We were now headed to the hotel which grandpa already had prepared for our arrival.  I just couldn't wait to cool off and rest.

As the car drove through the busy streets of London I took that to admire the architecture of the building and the passerbys .They were all dressed heavily  for the cold weather. Soon enough I  was pleasantly informed that grandpa actually  let us stay at his manor in the country side,  though I  would have loved to receive such information from the man himself. I  let out a soft sigh with a smile gracing my lips at how careless he can be for a man at his age.
Turning to my left I noticed Harper asleep with her head tilted to the side with a little bit of drool running down from the corner of her lips. Typical Harper.
Soon enough the trees by the roadside started thinning out and a little bit ahead we could make out a large white manor with rose bushes running on opposite sides of the house. In general it was a large manor with blue roofing and window frames.    

The windows and doors were artfully made with beautiful flowery design I was yet to make out. Off to the left side of the manor a reasonable distance away was what I assumed to be the stables and a little away was a green house which I'm sure was grandma's doing.

A minute after my brief survey,  we came to a stop in front of the manor and I went to wake Harper up only to find she was already up and looking around with wonder and awe. Kind of like a child who just rode their first horse.

The were two men already out to receive us and judging by the way one was old I'm guessing he was the Butler while the other a farm hand.

After greetings were made and our luggage  was being taken inside,  I received a call and shooed Harper who was calling me for an exploration escapade .

Hello my lovely readers, the story might be a little slow but trust me (or not)  it's gonna be worth it😜🙋.please excuse the writing errors. They shall be edited in due time.... hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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