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Meanwhile DeAnn and Hot Rod were nearing the original Autobot base where Starscream had hidden the Matrix.

And once they entered Hot Rod took the Matrix out of the spot where Starscream had hidden it and had it in has servos.

"Mission accomplished let's get this back to the scrap yard ASAP." Said Hot Rod.

"Or you could just give it to me and I'll take it back for you?" Chimed a voice from the doorway.

"Knock Out glad you're ok but we can take it from here." Hot Rod told the red spots car.

Knock Out took a step forward and accidentally triggered one of the base's defenses that hit the Austin Martin in the shoulder leaving a nasty cut on it.

"Knock Out are you ok?" Asked Hot Rod.

"Yes I'm fine just a little scratch." He replied.

"Just a little scratch?" Thought DeAnn who remembered how picky Knock Out was about his paint. "Wait that's not Knock Out." She warned Hot Rod having put two and two together and figured out something was wrong.

"Smart human." Hissed Knock Out who then reveled his true from as Liege Maximo.

And then tried to take the Matrix from Hot Rod by force. But Hot Rod did the only thing he could think of to keep the former Prime from getting the Matrix of Leadership and put it in his chest.

Then Hot Rod suddenly transformed into Rodamus Prime. And was now fighting Liege Maximo.

Just then Liege Maximo was stabbed through the spark chamber from behind.

"Sorry master I don't need you anymore." Warsiren told Liege Maximo looking him in the optics as his spark went out and he fell over dead.

"I don't want the Matrix but I do want to destroy it along with the Allspark." She bellowed before knocking Rodamus out and dragging him with her.

DeAnn had managed to hide. And right after Warsiren left with Rodamus a ground bridge opened and the Autobots along with Cons who had switched sides came out. Then she told them what happened. And they went back to the scrap yard to decide their next move.

Meanwhile Rodamus was taken to the ship that had been Liege Maximo's and tossed in the brig with Megatron.

"So they captured you too huh." Megatron greeted him.

"Yeah." Rodamus replied. Then he explained to Megatron what happened.

The ship was currently heading to Cybertron because Warsiren was planning to go to the Allspark so she could destroy it along with the Matrix which she still had to get out of Rodamus's chest. Both prisoners had over heard her intentions because Warsiren had a habit of talking to herself.

"We need to escape before she comes back for the Matrix." Megatron told Rodamus.

"Yeah but how?" Asked Rodamus.

"When I was captured they forgot to disarm me." Megatron explained. "I'm betting Warsiren forgot to take your weapons too."

"So maybe with our combined firepower we can blast our way out?" Said Rodamus.

"It's worth a shot." Megatron agreed. "But we have to be careful of Warsiren she's the only other one on the ship but she's powerful enough to take us both down."

"I'll say that femme is crazy strong it's strange how a clone of you and Starscream could be that powerful." Rodamus said thinking out loud.

"Yeah it doesn't make since." Megatron added. Then they blasted their way through the wall of their cell and took off through the Halls of the ship wondering what their next move should be.

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