part 3

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It's been 3 years since they got a new den and territory they both have feelings for each other

Aa: hey have I have something to tell you

A: what is it

Aa:well I like like you

A: well I like you to

Aa: well in that case can I kiss you

A: * blushes* okay

Aaron went in for a kiss then it turn into a make out season

Aa: aph will you be my mate please

A: yes a thousand times yes

Aa: ok so do you think that we can do it

A: uhh sure

  Aa: kisses aph's neck

A: tries not to moan

Aa: finds her weak spot and abuse that spot

A: moans

Aa: let's go into our human form

A: ok

Aph and Aaron transform into their human form

Aa: wow aph you look more sexy

A: Aaron

Aa: yeah

A: can we just do it already

Aa: okay but are you a virgin

A: yes

Aa: I'll be gentle

Aaron takes off aph's bra
Aa: you okay so far

A: yes

Aaron then massage aph's boobs

A: *moans*

Aa: hehe

Aaron takes off aph's underwear

A: *blushes*

Aa: *licks her pussy*

A: ahhh don't stop please

Aa:*puts tongue in her pussy*


Aa:*stops licking her*

A: why did you stop

Aa: hehe * enters two fingers in her*

A: ahhhhhhhhhhhh more please

Aa:*thrusting his fingers in and out slowly*

A: faster please Aaron

Aa: *thrust faster and faster*

A: ahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm gonna cum

Aa:*starts to eat her out*

A: ahhhhhhhhhhhh Aaron *cums in his mouth*

Aa: mmm you taste sweet

A: * blushes* how about we continue tomorrow

Aa: okay anything for you

Please send me help I need more ideas please

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