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so this is my first official story and i hope it goes well... i hope you guys like it! please tell me what you think:) it's my first one so I'm not sooo sure how it'll end up like....

everything is mine, my ideas and all, and if i happen to use material that is not mine, i will give due credit to it under my notes (A/N)'s i will be posting right before or after chapters i publish :)

p.s. it is actually based on a song i am also currently working on (just to put that out there...) :D

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I just had the weirdest dream last night.

I was with a guy who was my boyfriend in that dream, I seemed so happy and he was so...perfect. In fact, the entire dream was so...perfect. It was unreal and it was too good to be true.

If only dreams could literally come true.

It's Friday today, and today we actually are being dismissed early, i'll be out at 11 am. yay

It's 6 a.m. already, and I guess my body has already been accustomed to waking up at this time, since it's already halfway through the school year. But still...i still find it so difficult to get up and take a shower and get ready for school. I don't think I'm ever gonna be a morning person.

I am still lying on my bed and I slowly reach under my pillow and locate my phone, like I always do. I find it and unlock it quickly, still half asleep. No new messages. As usual, I just end up taking five minutes to go on Twitter and check on things. After that I walk out of my room, grab my towel from the rack and get inside the bathroom.

After a few minutes I'm done getting dressed and I eat breakfast next to Ellie, my younger sister.

"Goodmorning Mands,"

"Yo El," I respond. I pour some milk into my bowl and add some cereal. Fruity, I think to myself.

"Why did you pour the milk first Mandy?" Ellie asks me.

Obviously I am still not in a

steady state, and I just smile at her.

After about a minute of pure silence, I decide to tell her about my dream.

"I had a dream," I start. "It was amazing Ellie, oh my gosh. Guess what? Your sis just had a boyf in it!" I say enthusiastically, I make my way to the sink and grab my toothbrush.

"Really? Did you get his name? What does he look like? What was he like?"

She actually never gets tired of my stories, no matter how lame. "Well....i did not get his name, sadly. But he was just the sweetest guy ever. It's like...he was everything I've always said I wanted. Sweet, charming, caring, good-looking....."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OMG! YOU'RE PREDICTING THE FUTURE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!" she cuts me off and practically screams.

"SHHHHHH! El, it's freaking 6:30 a.m., do you want mum to come running in here yelling at us! Dear God!" I say, not being able to restrain myself from giggling. I gargle and I see her giggling too as she makes her way toward the sink.

"Bus is here, take your time, ladies," Sam tells us. Sam is our nanny. She just turned 20 years old and she's a hell lot of fun to be with.

"Bye!" I scream as I return my toothbrush, grab my bag and run out of the door.

"HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I hear El yell. I can't help but laugh again because she's obviously brushing her teeth as she attempts to scream.


The last period is about to end, and I already put all of my things inside my bag and get ready to leave the classroom. As I begin to zip my bag i feel somebody tap me on the back and I look back. It's Maggie, the beautiful curly-haired volleyball player, as i call her. Or simply, my best friend.

"Hey Mands, you up for going to the mall later?" she whispers.

Hmmmm, I think to myself, what do I have planned this Friday anyways? Nothing actually, but I suddenly feel like going to the park for lunch.

"I was actually planning to go to the park for lunch, then I've got nothing else planned after. Meet me there at 12:30?" I say.

"Kay. Sounds fun! Picnic at the park," she replies. "Who else is gonna be there?"

"I don't know, you wanna invite anyone else?" I ask, although I honestly would do so much better if today's picnic would be just between me and her.

"How 'bout just the two of us?" she says, as though she just read my mind.

The bell rings and I grab my bag, "Thank God," I smile and get up from my seat. I head towards the door and wave goodbye to her. "Just text me up, dear!"

"Alrighty!" she waves back.

I walk briskly along the corridors hoping to get out of the halls before all the students kick in. Luckily, there are only around 20 other people walking towards the stairs.

As I walk down the stairs and head towards the gates, more people are coming out of their rooms and walking the same direction I am. Halfway through the halls, only about two doors from the gates when I see him.

A lanky guy with really nice hair, just like the guy I saw in my dream. He just got out of his classroom and he was walking towards the gate as well. He's wearing glasses and has a slingbag, and I guess you could say I just got the surprise of my life seeing him. I don't think I've ever seen him around before too.

I guess I got caught up staring at him and I froze where I was a little too long as the people started pouring in. I must have caused traffic and almost fell as I snapped back to reality.

In a split second I am back to normal and continue walking towards the gates, but before I finally step out I look back one last time.

He must have seen me almost trip or something, because he was looking right at me.

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A/N Okay, I think that'll do for a first chapter. What do you think? :)

If you guys put up comments now then I'll make a second chapter right now and probably publish it right after :-)

anyways, just let me know~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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