chapter 27

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Kylies POV 



i was sitting downstairs on the couch, on my phone then matt came downstairs with a suitcase 

"im leaving now.." matt said

i stood up without saying anything and hugged him tightly

"im gonna miss you" i said quietly

"im going to miss you too.." he said and hugged me back

we both pulled away

"i love you ky, please be good for your dad" he said and kissed my forehead

i nodded and wiped my eyes

he then walked outside

i went and sat back down on the couch

a few moments later dad walked downstairs and into the living room

"dillon, aaron, come here" he yelled

dillona and aaron walked into the living room 

"yeah?" dillon questioned

"i was thing... we should all go on a road trip, the other guys could go with us and we can do a tour tipe thing... we can do a few meet ups, but they would be free so alot of people could come" dad said looking at all of us

"that sounds awesome!" aaeon said 

"yeah, have you talked to the other guys?" dillon asked

"yep,theyre in but shawn and the jacks cant come because of touring" dad replied to dillon

"so kyles... do you want to do it?" dad asked me 

"yeah" i nodded and smiled

"okay. im going to buy us motor home so we dont have to travel in cars,kyles do you want to come with me?" dad asked me 

i nodded and we both went upstairs

we went into his room and we both sat down on his bed and he grabbed his laptop

"i wanted to say im sorry for the way ive been acting" he said

"its okay" i nodded

it was silent for a couple of minutes

"so tonight i was thing that cam nash and hayes could come over and we could order pixxa and watch movies?" he asked me

"sure, sounds good" i said

"okay" he smiled and nodded

"could jack maybe come ove when the guys come...?" i asked him nervously 

"yeah" he nodded

"okay,thank you" i smiled

he nodded and i stood up 

"im going to go get dressed and call jack"i said

"okay, i love you baby girl, dont ever forget that, okay?" he looked at me

"i wont dad, i love you t " i smiled and walked out of his room and ran into my room

i grabbed my phone and dialed jacks phone number 

"hello?" he asked

"hey, do you want to come over later and eat pizza and watch movies?" i asked him

"um... kylie.. i told you we cant be together.." he said

"i know what you said jack, but dad said you could and i miss you.." i said the last part quietly

"okay.. what time should i come?" he asked

"um around 7:30" i said

"okay see you then" he said then hung up

it was already 4 so i needed to get dressed, i was still in my pjs

i put on my white sunsation your sweatshirt and topshop jeans 

i went into the bathroom and did my makeup and hair, i did my regular hairstyle, a high ponytail

by the time i was done getting dressed it was 5

i went downstairs and saw cameron diilon aaron and dad sitting on the couch

"hi" i said smiling

"hello" they all said at the same time

i ran over to cameron and jumped on him and sat on his lap

"ky i think youre getting to big for this" he laughed

"nooooo" i shook my head laughing and all the guys laughed

"wheres nash and hayes?" i asked

"theyre still at the hotel, hayes was sleeping when i left so i dont know what theyre doing" cameron said

"o okay" i nodded

"so where are we going to go on the road trip or whatever?" i said

"um well first florida" aaron said

"then i was thinking nashville" dillon said and everyone nodded

"then new york" cameron said

"where do you want to go kyles?" dad asked me

"indiana" i smiled

"why indiana?" dad asked me

"so i can see grandpa jack and tristen" i laughed and so did everyone else

"when are we going to leave?" i asked

" in 3 days" cameron said 

"Okay, cool" i said 

-2 hours later-

nash and hayes got here a few minutes ago with the pizza 

everyone was eating and i heard a knock on the door

"ill get it" aaron said

"no, its jack. i want to get it" i laughed and answered the door

"hi" jack said

"hey" i smiled and blushed

he walked in and i shut the door

all of the guys were now in the living room

nash hayes dad and aaron were on the floor then dillon cameron jack and i sat on the couch

we decided to watch 'The Purge'

-movie ends-

dillon and aaron decide to go to bed and nash cam and hayes decided to spend the night

jack was getting ready to leave, i followed him to the door 

"im glad i got to see you" i said to him

he nodded 

i sighed and leaned in and pecked his lips

"night kylie" he smiled and left

i shut the door and saw cam behind me

"well your just all over him arent you" cameron laughed and so did i 

nash and cam laid down on the floor and i sat on the couch next to hayes 

dad decided to go to bed. i wasnt tired so i decided to watch tv with the guys

the shortly we all fell asleep. i fell asleep in hayes's lap

and nash and cam slept in the floor



this was a boring chapter.. im srry 

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