Save me from myself

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Almost everyone from class 1A going to the ammusement parc for this beautifull sunny day, last weeks where very stressfull for the Yuei students, the vilains attack during the summer camp, Bakugo's kidnapping, the last fight of All Might, their moving to the dorm, so many things in so less time, they need to let the steam off a little bit. Aizawa dicided to give them a nice gift, they all deserve it.

-So everyone is ready? We have 1 hour bus trip before reaching our destination.

-Yeah, thanks Aisawa sensei, it's awsome that day off at the parc.

-Anyone see Deku?

Everyone look around them, they realized Midoriya is missing.

-I will do my Class Rep job and call him. He reach to his phone and call his friend.

-Yes Iida, what do you want?

-Hello friend Midoriya, I call you to remind we are waiting after you to our trip to the parc.

-I'm not coming, I...I have others things to do.

-But...But Midoriya, we need to stand together as a class

-TENYA! I said i'm not coming. -clic-


-So he is coming?

-Eh no, he hang up on me saying he's not coming and he have other things to do.

-We don't care about that shitty nerd,he just have to stay in his room and play with his dick!

-I don't appreciate Bakugo's language but he said true, if Midoriya don't want to come we are going now. Hurry up everyone on the buss tell Aizawa before he enter the buss and goes to his yellow sleeping bag. The entire class goes in the buss and they are on their way. Izuku was on the roof and watch them going without him.

-It's better that way! He get off the cliff of the roof and continue his hard training. During all day the class having fun in the recreation parc. At the plushies'stand Kirishima try to win a bear/alien plushie for his girlfriend Min awhile Uraraka, Tsuyu and Toru cheer him to win the big price for her.

-Hey girls, why we don't try to get that All Might plushie for Deku, i'm pretty he will be happy.

-Yeah Ochako, he is not really in a good mood thoses last days, you are his best friend, he don't speak with you about it?

-No Mina, since he come back from the rescue mission to save Bakugo he does not speak a lot to me or Iida .I..I'm getting worried,

-Come on girls, Midoriya is just shaken about All Might! Gero, i'm pretty sure he will get to us soon with a big smile!

-I hope Tsu, I hope.

During all that day Izuku only train himself on the roof, not taking a lot of break, only to eat a energy bar and a bottle of water, he never watch his phone, he don't want to see his classmates' messages and status, he need to train his body. When the bus come back with the students he hurry to grab his stock and goe back to his room, closing the light and don't make noise, hoping the others understand he sleep and don't want to be bother. He use this time to study his school books with a flash light, wanting to go beyond his school program. Training his body is not all, he need to train his brain also, he fall asleep around 12:00 and wake up around 4:00, goes outside and jogg. When he come back around 6:00 he still think he was alone like the past days. He didn't see the  flotting clothes at the kitchen counter next to a cereal bowl.

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