"An Uneasy Alliance"

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"Okay, sharp turn left!" Yelled Sarah into her walkie talkie.
"Roger that." Said Helsing.
His black motorcycle turned sharply.
She traced his position on the computer screen. He was on the hunt for a vampire. They'd been tracking this one for weeks, and they finally found him. Sarah had no idea what was so important about this particular one, but she helped him anyways. No questions asked, as per their agreement.
"The target is in the limousine. 5 blocks north."
"Wait, I found a shortcut. Alleyway up here on your right."
He turned into the alley and slowly traveled through it. "Headlights on. Make your way through." Sarah said.
He guided his way through the dark alley. He came to a dead end.
"Sarah. It's a dead end."
"There's nothing here!"
"Oh shit."
She tried to find him a way out, guiding her finger across the screen.
"Hurry up, we can't afford to lose him!"
She found it.
"There should be a gate to your right. It leads straight to the street the limousine is on."
He opened the gate and moved through. She noticed his location on the map was moving very close to that of the target's. Eventually they were right on top of each other.
"Where is he!?"
"He should be RIGHT THERE!"
"Heh. 'Should be.'"
"Look for a black limousine!"
"I am, there's nothing here! It's an empty fucking street, Sarah!"
The target's dot on her screen disappeared.
"That's not good." She said.
"He kinda.... went away."
"I can't track his location!"
Helsing was pissed. She desperately searched and searched but couldn't find anything.
"Oh, shit." Said Helsing over the walkie talkie.
"What is it, Helsing?"
"OH SHIT!" He shouted.
The last thing she heard was the roar of an engine before his walkie talkie cut out.
His dot disappeared.
Helsing's jaw dropped when he saw the huge semi-truck appear before him. It was headed at full speed. He turned himself around and sped in the other direction. Except the truck drove insanely fast. It was inhuman. Both of them moving at their top speeds, the truck slowly inched closer and closer to him. It got to the point where they were just a few feet away from each other. That's when the driver of the humongous truck decided to blare his deafening horn, causing Helsing to tumble off of his bike. He fell on the ground, and the truck rammed into his motorcycle, creating a huge explosion. The truck wasn't fazed, though. It drove on top of him, and he saw an opportunity, being the inventive man he was. He gripped onto the underside of the truck, evading flying motorcycle bits that flew past him.
Sarah felt like puking. She was worried sick, literally. He could be dead by now, and there's nothing she could do. She knew what she had to do.

She had to go find him.
He was hiding under the truck for a good ten minutes. Then it came to a stop. It was total darkness. Good thing Helsing had mastered the art of patience, or at least when it came to hunting vampires. He heard a few people talking but all he could hear was "He's dead, sir." The rest was unrecognizable. They talked for a good five minutes, and he stayed in his position. Then he heard a door slam, and came out of hiding. There was one door, lit up, guarded by a vampire, who was smoking a cigar. Helsing noticed how he was obviously distracted, so he gripped a piece of trash in the alley and threw it in his direction. It hit the wall adjacent to him. The man turned, shouting, "Who's there!?".
Helsing took this opportunity to sneak up behind him and seize him. He gripped the man's cigar and slowly pushed it back down his throat, causing him to slowly choke and die. Helsing moved into the building. There was a long, dimly lit hallway. He slowly inched down it, staying aware of any threats. It led into an empty room.....

or so it seemed.
He shivered when he noticed the yellow glow of a vampire's eyes.
Sarah got closer and closer to Helsing's last known location. She found the empty street, and got out of Helsing's black car. Okay, she sorta stole it, but he just left the keys on the counter and he was in danger. So, yeah. It was pretty much justified. She noticed the motorcycle bits and pieces, and even found his crushed walkie talkie, but no body.
He could still be alive.
She got back in the car, and continued to search the street.
The creature slammed Helsing's head into the wall, and went in for the bite. Typical vampires, Helsing thought. He punched it in the stomach, causing it lean over and puke. Helsing grabbed it by the throat and pushed it into the wall. It tried to fight, but a kick in the groin ended its struggle. He pulled out a knife and started yelling at the shrieking beast. "Shut up, SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He grabbed it by the throat and started questioning it. "It wasn't you, was it!? Then who was it!? TELL ME!! TELL ME WHO IT WAS!"
The creature, confused, shrieked. "You fool! I don't even know who you speak of!"
Helsing sighed. "I didn't want it to be like this." He said calmly. He then proceeded to jab it in the chest with his knife. "HOW ABOUT NOW!? GONNA TELL ME NOW!? WHO WAS IT!?"
The vampire shrieked in pain, so he continued to stab. This process continued until it screamed one final time. Helsing proceeded to stab it several times, even after its death. He continued to hack and hack away at its torso. It fell on the ground and he jumped on top of it, repeatedly slashing the dead corpse. This continued until he was covered in blood, roaring out of anger. He wiped his knife off and left the building the way he came in. He got in the driver's seat of the empty semi and started driving. He sensed something from the vehicle. Almost like an essence of some sort. It felt.... dark.
Sarah couldn't find him anywhere. Perhaps, if he was alive, he would return to the base, she thought. Walking back to her car, she noticed the strangest thing. She stopped in the middle of the road when she noticed a humongous semi-truck speeding at her. She couldn't move. She tried, but nothing happened. She was totally paralyzed. It got closer and closer, until it was right in front of her.
She closed her eyes and braced for impact.
But it stopped.
And out came the mysterious Vampire Hunter known only as...

"Did ya miss me?" He said, sarcastically.
"What the Hell happened to you?"
"Got ran over by, well, THIS." 
"What exactly is that?"
"It's a, well it's a, um... Hmm how do I say this so you'll understand it... Basically, it's a, uh, a cursed semi-truck."
"A what!?"
"Yeah, long story for another time, just forget it."
She stood there, baffled.
"I see you stole my car."
"I came to look for you."
"Well, in the future, don't."
"But I-"
"Just don't. I've been through worse."
There was a brief silence.
"Well, what are you doing? Come on, let's head back."
They arrived at the base, and he explained what happened.
"So..." She started. "Your hands. They're covered in blood."
"You really went to town on him, then."
"Yes I did."
"Sounds to me like some kind of anger-fueled rage."
"What do you want from me?"
"I want to know why. You obviously had something stored up inside you."
"I kill all of them with a bit of righteous anger."
"Nothing about THIS is righteous." She said, grabbing his hand, a gesture he quickly pushed away.
He was getting annoyed. "Stop this."
"Asking questions."
"I just want to know why. Why this one? Why track down this SPECIFIC vampire and kill him like this? Look at your hands, Helsing!"
"I thought we agreed no questions asked!" He said, clearly getting angrier.
She ignored this and continued.
"You're looking for something, Helsing. Someone."
He was now infuriated.
"Shut your fucking mouth!" He was shouting at her.
"Why won't you tell me!?"
"Because it's none of your goddamn business!"
He got up. "It's getting late. I'm going to bed." He left.
She sighed. They'd been in this uneasy alliance for about two weeks, and they didn't know shit about each other. He didn't give a rat's ass about her, and whenever she tried to learn something about him, he pushed her away. Sarah just wanted to be in her lover's arms again. Thinking about this made her drift to tears. She would never be the same. And this man didn't want anything to do with her. She just wanted a friend. A shoulder to cry on.
That's when she remembered...
She had Helsing put a tracker on her car, just so she could make sure she was safe. She got up and walked over to her computer. She was already thinking about telling her everything. About Charles, about the monster... about Helsing.
But then her heart sunk.
Because she searched and searched and searched, but could not find her dot on the map. She swore it was there earlier. Sarah calmed herself and reloaded her interface. It was a dated program, it had its glitches. But... nothing.
"Damn it!"

Something very terrible had happened, and Sarah was sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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