Chapter - 19

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  Mika's P.O.V

-Few Weeks Later-

My team has a mission with Team Seven today, and I don't know what to feel about it. Sasuke and I haven't spoken to each other lately, since we've been busy with other missions.

"Are you excited to see him?~" Haru teases me.

"Shut up. Your face is already flushed, and she's not even here yet." I snap back.

"Hey!" He pouts like a five year old child. "At least I'm not stress rubbing a necklace she gave me."

I tense as I notice I was rubbing the necklace Sasuke gave me. I've worn this everywhere since he gave it to me a few weeks ago.

"Shut up." I glare at him, immediately taking my hand away.

"What're you guys doing here so earlier?" Sakura asks, walking up and smiling at Haru. "I missed you!"

She runs over and hugs him.

"We're actually on time. Why're you so late?" Haru chuckles.

"Because Kakashi-sensei is never on time."

I begin to tune them out, but a raven haired boy made a comment, walking up to all of us.

"He's always wondering the path of life." Sasuke smirks as the rest of them chuckle. He looks my way, and I avoid eye contact.

I don't know why I'm being so distant, but he makes me nervous.

"Mika, can I talk to you?" Sasuke asks, still staring straight at me.

I nod, and we walk away from the others, where we can talk.. alone.

"Why're you being distant?" He questions, bluntly.

"I'm not." I respond as I begin to stress rub my necklace, once again.

"You're doing the thing." He comments, and I give him a look. "You finally looked at me."

I flush and look away again.

"What thing?" I ask.

"With your necklace."

I stop, keeping my arms crossed, and no eye contact.

"Mika.." He says my name, in a tone that makes me worried.

"Quit it." I respond.

"Quit what?"

"That tone. You know I don't like it."

"Then look at me."

I sigh, knowing he won't quit until I do, and I look at him. He smiles that rare smile, and I finally give in.

"Okay, I'm not being distant.. you know we haven't seen each other in weeks... you just.. you make me nervous.." I mumble, and he chuckles.

"Why do I make you nervous?" He asks, and I glare at him.

"You know, exactly why."

"Ahh, how I missed that famous glare of yours." He chuckles once again.

"Will you stop joking?! Ugh! Your such an ass!" I go to walk away, but he pulls me into a back hug.

He squeezes me gently, making my muscles tense up. My face feels hot, my breathing quickens, and I just stand still as he hugs me.

"Relax, Mika." I try to relax into the hug, but then Haru calls us over.

"W-we have to go.."

He lets go, but before we walk away he holds me by the waist, pulling me in for a kiss..

I try to calm down as we walk back to the group, and we head out for our mission.

Lady Tsunade hates sending me out on missions, especially with Sasuke because we don't know if Orochimaru has something planned. Everyone has their guard up throughout our walk to another village.

I hear something as we reach the village gate, and stop. I look around, checking our surroundings, but I notice nothing.

  "Nico.." I mumble, him already knowing what to do.

  "What's wrong?" Sasuke questions, noticing Nico feeling for anyone's chakra besides our own.

Suddenly, a bunny pops out and we all sigh in relief.

"Don't be so on edge okay?" Nico smiles, and I try to calm down.

"Why're you on edge?" Sasuke questions.

"I uh.. nothing. I'm fine." I avoid looking at him, and continue walking. "Let's get going."

We finally make it to the Village Hidden in the Sand, and make our way to the Kazekage's office.

"GAARA!!!!" Naruto shouts and runs in.

"Naruto!! You have to be formal!!" Sakura scolds him.

"Hello, Naruto." The Kazekage, Gaara, responds in a monotone voice. "Thank you for coming. And you are?.."

"My name is Mika, this is my team. Nico, and my brother Haru." I answer, respectfully.

"So you're the team that tried to take Sasuke, and destroy the Leaf."

"Uh... yes.." I mumble out in shame, but he suddenly smiles at me.

"Thank you for saving them, and changing Sasuke for the better."

"Uh... y-your welcome.." I feel my face heat up, and Sasuke give me a sly smirk.

Once we finish up business with the Kazekage, we make our way out of the village.

"You must've seriously been bad if even the Kazekage is thanking me." I look towards the raven.

"Well.. I wasn't necessarily the greatest before you came along." He responds.

  "So.. I must mean a lot, hm?"

  "Yes." He looks straight into my eyes, making me flush.

  "I guess it's the same for me.." I respond, looking away from his intense gaze.

"You guess?"

"I-I mean... i-it is..." My face grows more red by the second, making me even more nervous then I already was.

"Mika.. look at me." He bends down in front of me, taking hold of my hands.

"C-can we just go-"

"Look at me." He lets go of my hands, causing me to panic and look at him. My breath felt like it got sucked out as I look down at him, holding a ring. I didn't know what to say or do as he utters the words 'will you marry me?'.

"Hey! Mika-" Haru stops as they all see the situation. "Oh my god.."

"Mika? Will you?" Sasuke repeats. A part of me wanted to run away, but I knew that's not what I truly wanted.

"Yes." I smile, trying to hide the tears as he slips the ring onto my finger and pulls me in for a kiss.

Everyone cheers for us continuously as we make our way home, and in that moment I couldn't be happier that I had met this crazy, raven haired boy.

"I love you, Sasuke Uchiha." I mumble as he smiles and takes my hand, sprinting into the village like an excited little kid.

This story is almost over and I'm slightly crying! I hope you all enjoyed this second to last chapter! I'll update soon!

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