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A cloaked beggar was sitting behind an empty bowl. Ever since the death of the Corrupted One, the Necropolis was bursting with activity. Being the last stop before the wall, it had become the logical gathering point for many a vagrant, settler, sellsword or adventurer.

Though the first waves have come slowly, the settlement of the fertile and lush lands beyond the Death Fence was gaining in speed.

The beggar was a recent addition to the city's proper, but already he had become like all beggars that came here before him: Invisible to the concerned minds of most of the busy citizens.

A few paces away, two vagrants were sitting upon two wooden boxes and were passing between them a slim wineskin.

"I heard that this new God of Truth has magic powerful enough to conjure an entire island to land where the Corrupted One's Temple once was."

"Hogwash! If he is so powerful then why does he need builders and artisans from across the world?"

This gave pause to the other one for a heartbeat.

"I don't know, but hey, that means I might land a job as an assistant builder."

"And what do you know about building?"

"Hey, I was a builder's apprentice once," replied the other visibly annoyed and then belched to add a fine point in his statement.

"Once, like how I once was a guard in Algandria."

"But you were a guard, until they discovered you had drained one cask of wine from a councilor's cellar and kicked you out."

"True and what sweet wine that was. I plan to join the guard for that God of Truth of yours."

Τhe wine skin was passed a couple times between them before speaking again.

"I still can't believe he defeated the Corrupted One right in the bowels of his Temple."

"He had it coming!" said the other and they continued their banter about the new cities and outposts being built in the Wasteland Desert.

However, the beggar had learnt what he needed and had disappeared, leaving his bowl behind. The balance had been upset and the God of Truth would best beware of the consequences.

The Adversaries have been summoned the beggar knew and the champion of the Great Goddess ought to be ready to face them.

The End.

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